[Vision2020] Leonard Pitts Jr.: The fierce urgency of now: justice

Kenneth Marcy kmmos1 at verizon.net
Mon Mar 22 13:25:00 PDT 2010

> Posted on Sun, Mar. 21, 2010
> lpitts at MiamiHerald.com
> The fierce urgency of now: justice
<snip most of the post>
> And I suppose the way not to be a communist in his eyes is to
> embrace a gospel that promises uplift in the sweet by and by -- and
> only then. But that's a lazy, complacent gospel, a gospel of
> self-satisfaction and I got mine, of egocentricity and look out for
> number one -- and it doesn't square with the gospel of feed my
> sheep and love your neighbor as yourself.
> He thinks we should flee the church that preaches social and
> economic justice? I think you should flee the one that does
> not.

On Monday 22 March 2010 10:13:06 keely emerinemix wrote:
> This is one of the finest posts on the subjects that I've ever
> read.  The last two paragraphs are a sermon, and a Spirit-blessed
> one, in themselves.

Mr. Pitts' column is reminiscent of the remarks by Pat Condell in a 
video 2 October 2009 titled The Arrogance of Clergy. Condell 
asks "Why do you think that all the good stuff about religion happens 
in the future and not in the present? Not at the only point of actual 
contact you have with reality, and therefore the only point you have 
any power."

It should be noted, of course, that the clergy about whom Pitts writes 
are not the ones to whom Condell refers. Condell's clerical referents 
are in the same boat with Glenn Beck, not distinguished from him.

I sent a YouTube link to that video to Vision 2020, so you can watch 
it again if you like. Alternatively, you could go to Pat Condell's 
web site and order a printed book titled _Godless and Free: The Video 
Transcripts_ which contains printed versions of the first sixty of 
his web videos conveniently available for faster reading.



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