[Vision2020] Blahg Update

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Mon Mar 15 08:42:10 PDT 2010

Courtesy of Dale Courtney's blahg at:



The following is from Idaho District 6 liberal Democrat, Rep. Shirley Ringo:

- - - - -


    I note that Dale Courtney posted information in his blog indicating
that I would not be running for re-election to the legislature due to
health reasons.

    Starting last October, I had a series of surgical procedures to
improve circulation in my legs.  The procedures were successful.  I
have no lingering health problems that would keep me from
participating fully in the legislative process.

    I will file for re-election - the deadline is Friday, March 19.  Bill
Spence, reporter for the Lewiston Tribune, mentioned my plans to run
in a recent news article.

    I do not have, and have not confided any secret, strategic plans to
anyone - not even to Dale Courtney.

    Shirley Ringo

- - - - -

For the record, I never said that Shirley Ringo told me she wasn’t
running. I said that it was a rumor.

    I’ve heard rumors to the effect that Shirley Ringo is not going to run
again because of health reasons. But that Judy Brown will file at the
last minute to take her seat. That will keep the Republicans from
putting anyone up to challenge Brown.

The rumor will be nixed when she actually files.


We here at the Vizz are looking forward to your retraction, dale. 
Although, judging by your "track record", it isn't anticipated, since
rumor has it that you are an immature weasel whose word is no better than
the unsubstantiated garbage that you report in your blahg.  But, then
again, that is only rumor.

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change
and the Realist adjusts his sails."

- Unknown

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