[Vision2020] Teabaggers

Dan Carscallen areaman at moscow.com
Sat Mar 13 21:20:04 PST 2010

Saundra said: (and I've edited/cut/pasted where she applies the question to me)

"Why . . . do you expect others to speak out about things "on the other side" you find outrageous or offensive when you yourself fail to do so about your side???"

I didn't think I was being hypocritical, but then those who are never think they are.  I think there are nutjobs and loonballs on both sides.

I was just pointing out that I thought that descriptor sounded like something a bunch of fourth graders would use.  Joe said that the folks in the movement started using the term first.  If so, I guess they get what they deserve.  I don't think juvenile name-calling advances anyone's cause.  I couldn't think of one for "the other side" off the top of my head, and didn't want to mention one anyhow, since it really served no purpose, other than it might foment a little more vitriol.  Use it if you want, I guess.  Makes no never mind to me.

I don't identify myself with that bunch.  Nor do I with the truthers, or birthers, or little green men from Area 51.  It seems other people like to identify me with various groups and whatnot more than I do.

And Garrett, I *did* help you get those turkeys into the poultry ordinance . . .

your pal

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