[Vision2020] the whole tea party thing

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Wed Mar 10 06:58:01 PST 2010

Come on, V-peeps.

Take a chill.

I thought y'all knew by now that Dan "The Area Man" Carscallen is not only
a regular poster/subscriber to the Viz, but one with a clever sense of

Regardless of how you feel about the Area Man . . . do you see any other
members of the city council willing to be a contributing member of the

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> Hey pot,
> I have a sense of humor, and I thought you did too, judging by these
> "articles"
> http://mailman.fsr.com/pipermail/vision2020/2009-April/062608.html
> http://mailman.fsr.com/pipermail/vision2020/2008-April/052935.html
> I'm glad to see at least Keely gets my point, as even though we may
> disagree
> on some issues we share a mutual respect.  I wouldn't like it if someone
> used a sexual perjorative when they referred to a liberal group of
> whistleblowers, so why should we put up with the same thing regarding a
> conservative movement that seems to have attracted a few vocal wingnuts?
> Anyhow, sorry for your confusion.
> your pal,
> The kettle.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
> On Behalf Of Garrett Clevenger
> Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 6:51 PM
> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] the whole tea party thing
> I can't help but feel confused by Dan's worry about the use of what some
> think are childish terms.
> Afterall, Dan wrote on the viz that he thought it was funny when
> Councilman
> Ament said "Now I'm going to squash your rights" to me during my testimony
> regarding the noise ordinance after a somewhat confrontational response to
> my comments.
> So Dan will laugh at childish comments during an official meeting from an
> elected official to a constituent, but the term tea bagger is more
> offensive
> and deserves criticism.
> Yes, I took it personally at the time and did not think it was funny.
> I wonder why the hypocrisy.  Perhaps Dan is a tea bagger and feels
> offended
> as well.  I suppose we should all be more sensitive to others feelings.
> Perhaps everything really is relative...
> Garrett Clevenger
> For those who really give a teabag here is that exchange from the viz
> archives:
> http://mailman.fsr.com/pipermail/vision2020/2007-November/049888.html
> http://mailman.fsr.com/pipermail/vision2020/2007-November/049891.html
> http://mailman.fsr.com/pipermail/vision2020/2007-November/049901.html
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- Unknown

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