[Vision2020] Imagine That, Butch - Politics Is a Rough 'Sport'

Wayne Price bear at moscow.com
Sat Mar 6 11:42:43 PST 2010


I agree with you about how is holding the bag on the mismanagement of  
Idaho government for the past umpty-ump years.
Now, with an election coming u in November, I just hope folks remember  
that when they fill out their ballots! It is said that people get the
kind of government they deserve. Well, we collectively elected the  
bums, now it's time for a change!

The government in Boise cries about lack of money, but lets look how  
it's spent and wasted. We dump money into a governors mansion, but  
don't require the bum to live
there and actually pay him not to!  U of I is putting folks on  
furlough, but has money to dump into Kibbie Dome!  I expect in a few  
more years if this keeps up,
U of I students will be able to major in sports management, but  
nothing else because all the academic departments have been closed,  
but by God, we'll STILL
have an athletic department!

And yes, I too have a few issues with our DINO in Congress. To  
paraphrase a line from West Wing,  "I wanted a Democrat and instead I  
got Minnick".
You can be sure that I, as well as a lot of other life long Democrats   
won't be fooled a second time!  On a personal level with MY  
representative, I wrote him
about an issue near and dear to me, the Reserve Retirement betrayal,  
and I got a bread and butter letter back from him, "very interested,  
bla bla bla and that
someone else in Congress is addressing that issue"!  Well, I looked  
into it, and the Congressman that IS working the issue is a Republican  
from Georgia,
so what is MY REPRESENTATIVE doing? SQUAT! Well, he won't have to  
worry about my problems after November, because I sure as hell WON'T  
be voting for him!
Hell, I'll send my political contributions to the guy in Georgia that  
is working on the issue!


On Mar 5, 2010, at 11:59 PM, Saundra Lund wrote:

> Hi Roger,
> With respect to Tea Baggers, you wrote:
> "They may support a third alternative only if nether of the main  
> parties have a candidate that is for limited government, individual  
> rights and sticks to the Constitution."
> I wish that were true.  Unfortunately, the initial Tea Bagger  
> movement has been co-opted, and a great many of the tea baggers I've  
> spoken with -- including those who attended the "rally" in Asotin  
> County -- are simply wingnuts who believe all kinds of crazy  
> conspiracy theories with palpable racist overtones and absolutely no  
> understanding of what the Constitution *really* says.  It's quite  
> sad, actually  :-(
> I got a call from the DNC recently trying to raise money for our  
> state DINO Walt Minnick, and they got an earful from me  :-)  I  
> probably most identify with the libertarian notion, but in Idaho,  
> that doesn't mean anything at all with respect to parties, and  
> certainly not the GOP.  In Idaho, we can't blame the pathetic state  
> of affairs -- including HCR 44 & SB 1353 as well as the gutting of  
> education-- on any party BUT the GOP.
> So, how do you, Roger, reconcile your continued support?
> Saundra Lund
> Moscow, ID
> The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people  
> to do nothing.
> ~ Edmund Burke
> ***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2010 through  
> life plus 70 years, Saundra Lund.  Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or  
> reproduce outside the Vision 2020 forum without the express written  
> permission of the author.*****
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lfalen [mailto:lfalen at turbonet.com]
> Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 10:38 AM
> To: Ted Moffett; Saundra Lund
> Cc: vision2020 at moscow.com
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Imagine That, Butch - Politics Is a Rough  
> 'Sport'
> Don't count on the Tea Party supporting a third party. they will  
> support individual candidates regardless of which party they belong  
> to. They may support a third alternative only if nether of the main  
> parties have a candidate that is for limited government, individual  
> rights and sticks to the Constitution.
> Roger
> -----Original message-----
> From: Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
> Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 23:45:36 -0800
> To: Saundra Lund v2020 at ssl.fastmail.fm
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Imagine That, Butch - Politics Is a Rough  
> 'Sport'
>> Otter will likely be re-elected.  Current political Madison Avenue
>> advertising/propaganda trends indicate Democrats are successfully  
>> being
>> blamed for the economic problems the US faces, which of course are  
>> to a
>> great extent the result of past public and private sector  
>> decisions, not
>> current Democratic economic policy.  And if the US economy does not
>> substantially lower the unemployment rate by 2012, Obama may find  
>> he will
>> serve only one term, assuming he will run again, regardless of  
>> whether the
>> economic problems are due to his failures or not.  Of course, the  
>> Tea Party
>> independents may split the Republican vote, if they succeed in  
>> promoting a
>> third candidate, so Obama may still have a chance, even if the  
>> economy does
>> not rebound by 2012.  But Otter can attract both Tea Party  
>> independents and
>> more traditional Republicans... In a political cultural landscape  
>> where
>> Sarah Palin receives a huge amount of media attention as a potential
>> political candidate, we can assume that rational decision making in  
>> the body
>> politic is in serious jeopardy.  I suppose this has always been the  
>> case...
>> -----------------------------------------
>> Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
>> On 3/4/10, Saundra Lund <v2020 at ssl.fastmail.fm> wrote:
>>> Ken wrote:
>>> "Otter may find he will share with Governor Samuelson another
>>> characteristic
>>> -- serving only one term in office."
>>>> From your fingertips to the will of the voters  :-)
>>> Saundra Lund
>>> Moscow, ID
>>> The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good  
>>> people to do
>>> nothing.
>>> ~ Edmund Burke
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com 
>>> ]
>>> On Behalf Of Kenneth Marcy
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 8:38 AM
>>> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Imagine That, Butch - Politics Is a  
>>> Rough 'Sport'
>>> On Tuesday 02 March 2010 06:06:14 Tom Hansen relayed to V2020:
>>>> Imagine that, Butch - politics is a rough 'sport'
>>>> Sandra Kelly, for the [MPDN] editorial board [2 March 2010]
>>>> Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter isn't having fun in Boise. He's been
>>>> bombarded by newspapers throughout the state for some of his
>>>> budgetary decisions, and it's been hard on him.
>>> <[snip]>
>>>> Otter has said repeatedly that he won't raise taxes. That's a great
>>>> sound bite, and almost a sure-fire way to get re-elected, but it
>>>> may not be in the best interest of Idaho.
>>>> No one wants to pay more taxes, but it's certainly something that
>>>> should be looked at. It's not popular, and the Legislature will
>>>> take some heat for it, but at least looking into it is the right
>>>> thing to do.
>>> <[snip]>
>>> It used to be said that it took a hard-line anti-Communist  
>>> Republican
>>> such as Richard Nixon to open foreign relations with Communist Red
>>> China. Analogously, it was said that it took a tax-and-spend liberal
>>> Democrat such as Bill Clinton to reform the welfare system. Both of
>>> these Presidents enjoyed some relative success for these efforts.
>>> Butch Otter does not, thus far, at least, seem to have an analogous
>>> combination of domestic acuity and political maneuverability to
>>> recognize the extant condition of his constituency and to act with
>>> appropriate governance in the better interests of the electorate.
>>> To date Otter's insistent resistance even to considering reasonable
>>> measures to steer Idaho's budget boat toward some semblance of the
>>> status quo, rather than meekly and weakly allowing the craft to be
>>> washed down the economic stream, rudderless, controlled by the
>>> vagaries of the current rather than experienced helmsmanship, does
>>> not suggest any historical greatness for his governorship.
>>> One is reminded, instead, of an earlier Idaho governor who had
>>> difficulty expressing leadership vision -- Donald Samuelson.  
>>> Governor
>>> Otter may find he will share with Governor Samuelson another
>>> characteristic -- serving only one term in office.
>>> Ken
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