[Vision2020] Economy Delays Construction on Hawkins Site, Again

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Wed Mar 3 11:45:08 PST 2010


The mall proposal makes even less feasible sense with the advent of the Super WalMart in Pullman.

But remember:  Hawkins makes its money by talking investors into investing in specific projects which Hawkins manages.  No projects, no money for manager Hawkins.  Of course Hawkins says the show must go on; its other people's money basically.

I wonder what the local Moscow investors in the Hawkins think now.  Since they invested against the interests of their community (and I know who some of them are), I'd be happy to see them lose their investments.  It would be a good object lesson for certain slimy hypocrites and their very slimy political operatives.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Garrett Clevenger 
  To: vision2020 at moscow.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:10 AM
  Subject: [Vision2020] Economy Delays Construction on Hawkins Site, Again

              The Hawkins spokesman says:

              "We've invested multiples of millions in this project," he said. "We're not walking away."

              So they're gonna spend $100 million more to build an unneeded supermall?

              And people wonder why our economy collapsed due to risky investments.

              This is the same mentality that says, "too many people have died and too many hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on a {misguided} war to just pull out.  So lets keep fighting." and wasting lives, money and morality.

              Sometimes the smartest thing to do is realize you made a bad decision a pull out before digging yourself any deeper.

              Our country is living way beyond it's means investing in consumerism.  

              Meanwhile we don't have the money to invest in our kids.  


              Garrett Clevenger


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