[Vision2020] Highway 12

Sue Hovey suehovey at moscow.com
Tue Jun 8 22:22:13 PDT 2010

Seems to me that's the least the state could do.  I should think such a deposit might also be used for damage to the road itself.   

Sue H. 

From: Donovan Arnold 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 6:23 PM
To: vision2020 at moscow.com ; ringoshirl 
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Highway 12

      Perhaps we should be considering requiring oil and chemical companies to pay a damage deposit upon engaging in any activity that could negatively impact the environment. When they complete their task of transporting, mixing, drilling, pumping, etc., and there is no damage, we will return the damage deposit. If not we use it to clean up the mess. 

      : D onovan 

      --- On Tue, 6/8/10, ringoshirl <ringoshirl at moscow.com> wrote:

        From: ringoshirl <ringoshirl at moscow.com>
        Subject: [Vision2020] Highway 12
        To: vision2020 at moscow.com
        Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 8:22 AM


        Regarding the US Highway 12 transport of equipment:

        According to Idaho Code, the Department of Transportation decision for issuing a permit is mostly engineering-based.   The state of Montana has more restrictive laws with respect to issuing permits.  According to the Department of Transportation, Idaho’s process involves such details as examining loads, clearance, and dealing with convenience to the public.   One major concern would involve the removal of one of these huge barrels should there be an accident that would, for example, put it in the river.   I wondered about Idaho approved routes for heavy trucks, but this does not apply to US highways.

        According to the Department of Transportation representative to whom I spoke, Conoco-Phillips and EXXON-Mobile have agreed to hold public meetings to discuss the plans.  They will probably be held in Lewiston and Kooskia, and will be announced in the paper.  The Idaho Department of Transportation has not yet issues the permit. 

        Shirley RIngo 

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