[Vision2020] Stop picking on Limbaugh, Robertson

Ralph Nielsen nielsen at uidaho.edu
Mon Feb 1 22:25:50 PST 2010

Here's a letter from a friend in Emmettt. Enjoy.

The Idaho Statesman
Published: 02/01/10

Media: Stop picking on Limbaugh, Robertson

Once again the liberal media have attacked America's man of God, Pat  
Robertson, all because Robertson said God was punishing Haiti for  
having made a pact with the devil over 200 years ago in order to get  
free of the brutal French slavemasters.

Robertson was telling the truth. The Bible is quite clear that God  
(not the devil) was responsible for the earthquake that devastated  
Haiti (Isaiah 45:7).

The liberal media should know that Robertson has a history of getting  
accurate messages from God. For example, in 2007, Robertson said God  
told him there would be a nuclear attack that year. Thanks to the  
fervent prayers of Robertson's followers the attack was averted.

Not content to attack Pat Robertson, the liberal media also have  
attacked Rush Limbaugh just because Limbaugh doesn't want to spend  
more tax money to help Haiti.

The media need to show more respect to Pat Robertson and Rush  
Limbaugh. After all, Robertson is the unofficial pope of the  
Republican Party and Limbaugh is the de facto head of the Republican  

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