[Vision2020] Take Action: Union of Concerned Scientists Petition Opposing New US Coal Plants Without CCS

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 17:55:29 PDT 2009

Union of Concerned Scientists petition to oppose new coal fired plants in US
without CCS:


 We Don't Need More Dirty Coal!

*Coal-fired power plants are the largest U.S. source of carbon dioxide
primary cause of global warming—yet our country is poised to increase these
emissions by building many new coal plants. *Virtually all of these proposed
plants lack carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, which would capture
a plant’s CO2 and store it underground so that it can’t contribute to global
warming. However, the technology still needs testing.

*Building more plants without CCS would lock us into decades of higher
carbon emissions at a time when we need to significantly reduce
them.*Please urge Congress to oppose the construction of new
coal-fired power
plants unless they feature CCS technology and to limit testing of CCS to 5
to 10 demonstration plants until the technology is proven. In the meantime,
the country can use readily available renewable-energy and energy-efficiency
technologies to meet its near-term energy needs.

*Please make your letter personal by adding in your own thoughts and
concerns. Every letter makes a difference, but customized letters have the
greatest effect!*

Click here for more information on this


Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
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