[Vision2020] Now he's a target, Rammell asserts

Dan Carscallen areaman at moscow.com
Wed Sep 2 08:52:28 PDT 2009

Joe says:
"It is worth noting that the criticisms of of Rammell are coming from both
sides, not just Democrats."

I'd find it more notable if he'd just go away.  The dude is obviously a bit
of a loonball, and seems to be of the mind that "any press is good press".
Rammell is obviously basking in all the media attention he's getting right

Heck, I quit reading the first article when I saw he threw a fit about Otter
not buying the first wolf tag when they were available "because he promised
he would".  That right there told me that very little of what Rammell says
is worth reading, much less paying attention to at all.

But hey, to each his own.


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