[Vision2020] UI Settles With Ex-Workers

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Fri Oct 30 15:04:43 PDT 2009

Having been raised by a father who was a bit of a disciplinarian, yet
whose heart and caring nature was bigger than his body, I found that in
some cases . . .

It is easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission.

My father broke me of that approach.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> Wayne,
> I think that rather than reducing the possibility of misconduct in the
> future, your approach is more likely to make settlements difficult.  Do
> you really think that people are deterred by publicity attendant to the
> misdeeds of others?  The more time goes by, the less likely I think this
> is.
> People act badly for a variety of reasons.  Often they don't put much
> thought into the possible consequences of their actions. If they do, they
> convince themselves that they won't get caught.
> If forced to publicize all the details, then large organizations are
> likely going to make more attempts to keep embarassing details quiet.
> It's always easier for large organizations, whether public or private, to
> drag things out, than it is for those opposing them to keep going.
> Sunil

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