[Vision2020] Pew Reseach Center: Fewer Americans See Solid Evidence of Global Warming

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 21:19:52 PDT 2009


22 October 09
New Pew Center Poll Confirms The Effects of Climate Confusion

Some pin this decline on the economy, arguing that Americans have other
things to worry about and climate change has drifted off their radar screen.

But, as I explained to the Guardian newspaper
"a big part of this problem is this campaign to mislead Americans about
climate science. This is a very sophisticated group of people who know how
to create doubt and confusion and they have done a very good job of it."

This downturn in public understanding of the climate crisis confirms that
the corporate investment in climate confusion is paying a dividend. The
public confusion campaigns launched by ACCCE, the Chamber, National
Association of Manufacturers, American Petroleum Institute and a host of
others, are all deliberately targeted at moving the dial on public opinion.

These Astroturf groups have set a clear and specific goal of muddying the
waters, and this poll shows that their strategy is working. Front groups and
lobbyists for dirty industry have effectively sown the seeds of confusion
within the American public.

October 22, 2009
Fewer Americans See Solid Evidence of Global Warming
Modest Support for "Cap and Trade" Policy

There has been a sharp decline over the past year in the percentage of
Americans who say there is solid evidence that global temperatures are
rising. And fewer also see global warming as a very serious problem – 35%
say that today, down from 44% in April 2008.

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the
Press, conducted Sept. 30-Oct. 4 among 1,500 adults reached on cell phones
and landlines, finds that 57% think there is solid evidence that the average
temperature on earth has been getting warmer over the past few decades. In
April 2008, 71% said there was solid evidence of rising global temperatures.

Over the same period, there has been a comparable decline in the proportion
of Americans who say global temperatures are rising as a result of human
activity, such as burning fossil fuels. Just 36% say that currently, down
from 47% last year.


Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
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