[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Committee and Workshop Agendas for Monday

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Thu Oct 22 17:40:32 PDT 2009




Monday, October 26, 2009
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.  Approval of Minutes October 12, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.  USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program Grant Award - Alisa Stone 

In April 2009, staff applied for a grant from the USDA for the Moscow
Farmers Market.  Notification was received in September 2008 that a full
award of $34,784 had been approved for the following: 


*      Provide access and outreach to the Market, targeting low-income
residents, children and senior citizens of the Palouse Region by use of
an Electronic Benefit Transaction (EBT) system, consumer-based
education, and transportation services;

*      Increase sales volume and self-sufficiency of the Market through
multiple advertising/marketing techniques, vendor training and
education, implementation of a recycling program, and utilization of
qualitative and quantitative data collected through a Rapid Market
Assessment for strategic planning; 

*      Purchase equipment for use in delivery of bulk food purchases and
for those who need additional assistance to shop at the Market.
Purchases will include hand trucks to transport case and bulk food to
the consumer's transportation source after purchase and to assist
vendors in the set up of food displays.

*      Other equipment to be purchased includes 4 tents, 4 tables and 32
chairs and a portable hand washing station.  A specific list of all
items and activities to be funded under this award are listed in the
attached Supplemental Budget Summary Form.  


Also, the grant award requires and funds a training session on program
specific financial management in Alexandria, VA on November 18-19, 2009,
which will be attend by the Grants Coordinator.


ACTION:  Recommend approval to execute the contract from the US
Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) 2009
Farmers' Market Promotion Program (FMPP) for the Moscow Farmers Market
in the amount of $34,784 for a two-year project or take such other
action deemed appropriate.


3.  Southeast Moscow Industrial Park Consultant Contract - Bill Belknap

The City was awarded a $50,000 Gem Grant from the Idaho Department of
Commerce for the purposes of developing a master plan for the
development of an industrial park in the southeast region of the City.
Staff prepared a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a consultant to
assist in the preparation of the master plan and distributed it to 42
qualified firms in the region.  Staff received 13 responses to the RFQ
and 4 of those firms were selected to proceed to interviews.  The
selection committee unanimously recommended the selection of the
consultant team of WHPacific, a consulting firm specializing in
architecture, building engineering, land development, survey,
transportation and water resources and Terragraphics, a local
environmental engineering firm.  The City committed an additional
$15,000 in City funds for a total project budget of $65,000.  Staff has
been working on developing the scope of work and professional services
contract for the project.  In the preparation, it has become apparent
that the flood hazard mitigation component of the plan is consuming
approximately 57% of the total project cost.  While the flood hazard
mitigation component is a necessary element of the master plan effort,
it is limiting the remaining funding necessary to prepare a high-quality
master plan that will be necessary to secure funding from the respective
granting agencies for the future development.  Staff has identified
several direct benefits to the City's stormwater management and utility
systems.  After discussions with Public Works Director regarding this
matter, he has agreed that it would be appropriate for the water and
sewer utilities to financially contribute to the master plan project.
He recommended that $7,500 be contributed from the sewer fund and $2,500
be contributed from the water fund.  Due to the delay in the
comprehensive plan project and 18 month unified code project, it is
apparent that all of those funds will not be expended within the current
fiscal year.  Therefore, $4,600 could be utilized from that line item to
supplement the industrial park master plan project and replace that
funding within the FY2011 budget so long as the Council concurs and is
aware that the funding would need to be reestablished.  It is staff
recommendation that the Council authorize an increase in the project
budget from $65,000 to $79,600 and increase the City's financial
participation in the project from $15,000 to $29,600 with the additional
funding to be provided from the sewer fund ($7,500), water fund ($2,500)
and from the community development professional services line item


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the proposed professional services
contract with WHPacific including the alternate scope of work in the
amount of $79,600; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.



Spring 2009 Auction Report - Gary J. Riedner

Proposed Day Care Ordinance Changes - Randy Fife/Keli Jones/Stephanie

Flu Preparedness - Leslie Moss

RFP for Police and Security Services - Gary J. Riedner


Future Agenda Items

Draft Ordinance Regulating Poultry - Chief Dan Weaver/Randy Fife


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.






Monday, October 26, 2009
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 

1.      Approval of Minutes of October 12, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      FY 2012 Safe Routes to School Letter of Intent - Kevin
Lilly/Alisa Stone

The proposed project is on "D" Street from Adams to Monroe Street and
includes 1375 linear feet of five foot sidewalks, three ADA compliant
pedestrian drops, and 600 square feet of modular retaining wall from one
to three feet in height.  Existing curb will be retained other than to
install the pedestrian drops.  The project costs are estimated to be
$98,750 not including engineering and design which will be provided as
an in-kind match.  "D" Street is classified as a minor arterial and is
located on a major east-west route, is on a designated snow route, and
is within two miles of all existing schools in Moscow.   This section of
"D" Street consists of a steep incline going east and decline traveling
west.  A majority of this route is currently an undeveloped path next to
the curb and is not ADA compliant.  In the winter, snow is plowed over
the curbs and leaves nowhere to walk but the street.  If a sidewalk is
installed, adjacent property owners will be responsible for snow
removal.  Completion of this project will provide a safe, handicap
accessible travel route to all children attending school in Moscow.


ACTION:  Recommend approval to submit a Letter of Intent for the FY12
Safe Routes to School grant funding in the amount of $98,750 to in stall
pedestrian drops and complete sidewalk connectivity on "D" Street from
Adams to Monroe or take such other action deemed appropriate.


3.      Corner Club Encroachment Agreement - Kevin Lilly

The Corner Club presently has a right-of-way encroachment agreement with
the City of Moscow for the existing patio off of the south side of the
building.  Owner Marc Trivelpiece is requesting an additional
encroachment to allow an eleven foot north/south by twenty-two foot
east/west metal roof (no side walls) over the existing patio.


ACTION:  Recommend accepting the Encroachment Agreement or take such
other action deemed appropriate.


4.      N. Orchard Overlay Riedesel Services Contract - Kevin Lilly

Staff solicited the engineering services of Riedesel & Associates, Inc.
of Lewiston, Idaho to complete the design of the Orchard Avenue Overlay
Project.  This $451,000 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
(ARRA) project is programmed for construction in 2010 and does not
require matching funds. A complete submittal of plans, specifications,
and estimate (PS&E) must be received by the Local Highway Technical
Assistance Council (LHTAC) by February 15, 2010.  Riedesel Engineering
has performed a similar design for the City of Moscow in 2006 and has
committed to meeting the accelerated timeline.  The value of the
contract is expected to be approximately $52,000. The design contract
documents will be prepared by the LHTAC.  Due to the extremely tight
project development schedule, a draft of the scope of work is presented
for consideration.  The final scope of work and the design services
contract will be ready for consideration by the Council at the November
2nd meeting.  An additional consultant contract for the construction
inspection and materials testing will need to be executed prior to


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Contract or take such other action
deemed appropriate.


5.      Southeast Moscow Industrial Park Consultant Contract - Bill

The City was awarded a $50,000 Gem Grant from the Idaho Department of
Commerce for the purposes of developing a master plan for the
development of an industrial park in the southeast region of the City.
Staff prepared a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a consultant to
assist in the preparation of the master plan and distributed it to 42
qualified firms in the region.  Staff received 13 responses to the RFQ
and 4 of those firms were selected to proceed to interviews.  The
selection committee unanimously recommended the selection of the
consultant team of WHPacific, a consulting firm specializing in
architecture, building engineering, land development, survey,
transportation and water resources and Terragraphics, a local
environmental engineering firm.  The City committed an additional
$15,000 in City funds for a total project budget of $65,000.  Staff has
been working on developing the scope of work and professional services
contract for the project.  In the preparation, it has become apparent
that the flood hazard mitigation component of the plan is consuming
approximately 57% of the total project cost.  While the flood hazard
mitigation component is a necessary element of the master plan effort,
it is limiting the remaining funding necessary to prepare a high-quality
master plan that will be necessary to secure funding from the respective
granting agencies for the future development.  Staff has identified
several direct benefits to the City's stormwater management and utility
systems.  After discussions with Public Works Director regarding this
matter, he has agreed that it would be appropriate for the water and
sewer utilities to financially contribute to the master plan project.
He recommended that $7,500 be contributed from the sewer fund and $2,500
be contributed from the water fund.  Due to the delay in the
comprehensive plan project and 18 month unified code project, it is
apparent that all of those funds will not be expended within the current
fiscal year.  Therefore, $4,600 could be utilized from that line item to
supplement the industrial park master plan project and replace that
funding within the FY2011 budget so long as the Council concurs and is
aware that the funding would need to be reestablished.  It is staff
recommendation that the Council authorize an increase in the project
budget from $65,000 to $79,600 and increase the City's financial
participation in the project from $15,000 to $29,600 with the additional
funding to be provided from the sewer fund ($7,500), water fund ($2,500)
and from the community development professional services line item


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the proposed professional services
contract with WHPacific including the alternate scope of work in the
amount of $79,600; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.



Snow Management Public Information Report - Gary J. Riedner

Downtown Parking Report


Future Agenda Items:



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.










October 26, 2009
5:30 p.m.


City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street

Second Floor


WELCOME - John Weber, Council President


5:35 p.m.


            Organization Funding Requests Presentations





7:35  p.m.


            Evaluation and Ranking of Requests







Stephanie Kalasz, CMC

City Clerk

City of Moscow

206 E. 3rd Street

Moscow  ID   83843

(208) 883-7015


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