[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Monday Agendas
Stephanie Kalasz
skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Thu Oct 8 16:13:28 PDT 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes September 28, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz
2. Hamilton Lowe Aquatic Center Chlorine Delivery System Changeover
Request - Dwight Curtis
In April, staff was notified by our chlorine vendor that we will no
longer have access to gas chlorine after the 2009 pool season. Gas
chlorine is extremely dangerous and vendors typically do not make it
available to aquatic facilities. Staff has since been working toward a
solution to the situation. After in-depth research into the various
options, it was determined that a chlorine tablet system would best suit
our needs and conditions. Besides the availability issue, this chlorine
delivery system changeover is necessary for the safety of staff and
citizens alike. Dry chlorine is stable and safe, has a long shelf life,
easy to handle, and is friendly to pool water. Staff is requesting
authorization to purchase 2 chlorine delivery systems at $2,995/each
(see attached description/price from Brody Chemical, Salt Lake City,
Utah) to be installed by staff this spring. The total cost of the
purchase and installation is approximately $10,000. The FY10 budget
(Capital Projects budget 350-165-30-770-74) has $30,000 designated for
this system transition. An unfortunate and unavoidable consequence to
the changeover is the increase in chemical costs, which is expected to
be approximately $10,000 more than what is presently budgeted. There is
a corresponding savings of $3,000 in safety supplies.
ACTION: Recommend authorizing staff to proceed with chlorine delivery
system changeover and purchase of two units PPG System 3070AT from Brody
Chemical at $2,995 each or take such other action deemed appropriate.
3. Change Order One for Mall Lift Station - Dean Weyen
Earlier this summer, the City contracted with A & R Construction to do
maintenance accessibility improvements to the Palouse Mall Sanitary
Sewer Lift Station. Four miscellaneous work items were added to the
original scope of the project; one item was deducted. The original
contract amount was $26,000.00; Change Order No. One is for an
additional $2,397.25.
ACTION: Recommend approval of Change Order One or take such other
action deemed appropriate.
4. Change Order One Mountain View Road Improvements - Dean Weyen
The following are proposed to be added to the Mountain View Road
Improvement scope of work: 1) Two-inch spare conduits buried across
the intersections of Third and Mountain View and Sixth and Mountain
View; for utilization of future traffic signalization; 2) One two-inch
buried spare conduit parallel to, and full length of the project, for
future fiber optic cable installation; 3) Replacing the existing
'temporary' six foot wide asphalt pathway along the Windfall Hills
property frontage with the 'permanent' twelve foot wide 'permanent'
City-approved design pathway. The original contract amount was
$368,698.55; Change Order No. One is for an additional $47,284.50; the
revised contract amount will be $415,983.05. Twelve working days is
being proposed to be added to the contractor's contract time. On June
15, 2009, Council authorized a change order for the path modification
work herein described; the conduit work was not previously considered.
ACTION: Recommend approval of Change Order No. One; or take such other
action deemed appropriate.
5. Blaine Avenue Bus Stop Easement - Dean Weyen
The 2009 bus shelter project includes the installation of a shelter on a
parcel owned by the Thompson Family that is currently being leased to
Wells Fargo Bank. The property occupies the southeast corner of the
intersection of Blaine Street and White Avenue. Placement of the shelter
required the acquisition of an easement from the Thompson family to the
City of Moscow. The Thompson family has signed the attached easement as
the property owner, and Wells Fargo Bank has signed the easement as the
property's lessee. City Attorney Randy Fife has approved the form of
this document.
ACTION: Recommend to the City Council that the easement be recognized
and accepted by the City, or take such other action deemed appropriate.
Refusal of Terrorism Insurance - Gary J. Riedner
Future Agenda Items
Policy & Procedure for Closing of Main Street
Draft Ordinance Regulating Poultry and Rabbits - Chief Dan Weaver/Randy
Southeast Moscow Industrial Park Consultant Contract - Bill Belknap
Economic Development Update - Travis Cary (10/26)
Proposed Day Care Ordinance Changes - Randy Fife/Keli Jones/Stephanie
Kalasz (10/26)
NOTICE: Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.
Monday, October 12, 2009
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of September 28, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz
2. Draft Snow Season and Proclamation Ordinance - Randy Fife/Dwight
On September 28, 2009, the Snow Removal Task Force presented a draft
Ordinance establishing a Snow Season and Snow Removal Proclamation to
the Public Works / Finance Committee. At the direction of the PW/F
Committee, the Snow Removal Task Force met to discuss possible changes
to the draft Ordinance. Based upon those discussions, the Snow Removal
Task Force recommends the establishment of certain Snow Route streets
where parking would be prohibited during the time period established by
a Snow Removal Proclamation issued by the Mayor. Failure to remove
vehicles from such Snow Routes during the time period established by a
Snow Removal Proclamation could result in towing and/or issuance of an
infraction ticket.
ACTION: Review the proposed "Snow Routes" Ordinance and direct staff as
deemed appropriate.
Update on West Palouse River Drive Ball Field Project - Dwight Curtis
Preliminary Disbursement Report - Sue Nelson
Future Agenda Items:
Surface Water Reservoir Feasibility Study Services Agreement - Les
MacDonald (10/26)
NOTICE: Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.
Stephanie Kalasz, CMC
Moscow City Clerk
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