[Vision2020] ID Public Records Law: UI

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 6 23:20:21 PDT 2009

Rosemary wrote:
> Paul,
> Thank you for acknowledging that Saundra was not responsible for my
> "sneering" remarks. While I may have offended you, your smug little summary
> of how well Plan H works for you and how you contribute to an HSA on a
> regular basis, did not offend me.  I was struck, however, of how it reeked
> with privilege, entitlement, and unearned good luck. 

Rose, go fuck yourself.  I provided one viewpoint.  Fucking hell.

> I am blessed that I
> have excellent insurance and a comfortable, if modest, retirement income
> now.  But, let me assure you, I know well the horrendous burden of
> catastrophic medical expenses. We spent several years paying off $100,000 in
> medical costs for our son Ben when he was diagnosed with Lupus. While our
> insurance paid 75% of the costs incurred, 25% were our responsibility - and
> there was no catastrophic cap on our out of pocket share.  So, good on you
> for not having a chronic illness, splendid for you that you need only take
> care of yourself, and please, take a deep bow for being frugal.  Somewhere
> in that litany of good luck it is my hope that you will not high five
> yourself for your less than noteworthy compassion towards others, who,
> through no fault of their own are not as fortunately situated as you are.

I am truly sorry that something like that had to happen to you.  You 
have my sympathy, and you have my compassion.  Honestly.  No sarcasm, no 
tricks, no nothing.  I'm sorry fate threw a curve ball at you.


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