[Vision2020] Say What?

Nous Tweaker noustweaker at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 1 15:55:48 PDT 2009

Joe Campbell wrote: [[ You are a sick man. ]]

Would you care to elaborate on that? Am I a "sick man" because I have a strong desire to live according to Scripture? Or because I try to deal charitably with other people who are also trying to live according to Scripture? Or is it perhaps because I question the received "wisdom" of our ungodly age? On top of the fact that it can require a lot of hard work to understand the full implications of the Bible's teachings, sinful people are good at self-deception, and since I am a sinful person, I can't exclude for myself the possibility that I or another Christian or group of Christians might be barking up the wrong tree with regard to the interpretation and application of Scripture. But I am not prepared to admit that Scripture itself is "the problem." The Bible contains the solution, and is never the problem. I would say that taking the Bible seriously is a healthy sign, not a sign of sickness. But that's just my Christian faith talking . . . In any case, I am neither ashamed of anything in the Bible nor of anyone's desire to live according to its teachings. We need to constantly examine the Scriptures and our own hearts for error, but in principle the desire to live according to God's Word is a good thing, and I thank God for instilling such a desire in the hearts of His children. May God in His mercy help us to know and rectify our errors! But trusting in His Word is not one of them.

Nous Tweaker
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