[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Agenda for Monday

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri May 15 10:08:42 PDT 2009




Monday, May 18, 2009                                                                                                                  7:00 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers

 206 East Third Street, Second Floor

The Moscow Mayor, City Council and Staff welcome you to tonight's meeting.  We appreciate and encourage public participation.  For regular agenda items, an opportunity for public comment is sometimes provided after the staff report.  However, the formality of procedures varies with the purpose and subject of the agenda item; therefore, the Mayor may exercise discretion in deciding when to allow public comment during the course of the proceedings and limitations may be placed on the time allowed for comments.  Citizens wishing to comment on business that is not on the agenda will be provided the opportunity to do so as item number 3.  If you plan to address the Council, you will find a list of "Tips for Addressing the Council" in the door pocket outside the City Council Chambers.  Thank you for your interest in City government.


RENEWING OUR FOCUS - At each meeting one City Council member will present an example of patriotism, humanitarianism, community spirit, or other inspirational message then lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Contact a Council-member with examples to share at future meetings. 


1.       Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.


A.     Approval of Minutes of May 4, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz


B.     Disbursement Report for April 2009- Don Palmer

The Public Works Finance Committee reviewed the accounts payable for April 2009 and recommend approval of the following:






Parks & Recreation


1912 Center




Water Fund


Sewer Fund




Fleet Mgmt Fund


Information Systems


Water Capital


Sewer Capital Projects


Capital Projects


LID Construction


Hamilton P&R


Bonds & Interest 





C.     Johnson Dedication Acceptance  - Les MacDonald

Leonard and Odessa Johnson of 1562 East Third Street are dedicating a one hundred six (106) square foot portion of their property frontage at the northwest corner of Mountain View Road and Third Street, to accommodate the construction of the 2009 Mountain View Road widening project. Such dedications must be recognized and accepted by the City.


ACTION:  Accept dedication.


D.     Mall Lift Station Bid Award - Les MacDonald

As part of the Sewer System Capital Improvements Plan, the existing sanitary sewer lift stations will be upgraded and updated over several years.  The first of these projects will occur in 2009 with a modification to the Mall Lift Station wet well.  The project consists of two improvements to the existing station, as follows:  1. The top eight vertical feet of the existing reduced-diameter precast concrete wet well will be replaced with a greater diameter section to allow maintenance accessibility; and 2. Replacing soil within and adjacent to the station's existing chain link enclosure with crushed rock for the purpose of establishing all-weather vehicular accessibility.  This station is located in State Highway 8 right-of-way immediately south of Sangria Restaurant.  The project was advertised for bids and the bid opening occurred on April 29th.  A & R Construction, Inc. of Lewiston submitted the low bid in the amount of $26,000.00.


ACTION:  Approve bid award to A&R Construction, Inc. of Lewiston in the amount of $26,000.


E.      First Step Tower Lease Agreement - Jesse Flowers

The City has been negotiating with First Step Internet to update the lease agreements for the co-location of wireless equipment on City water towers and property.  Currently all three agreements are expired and need to be updated.  The proposed agreement covers all three installations, is for a term of five (5) years, and has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney.


ACTION:  Approve Lease Agreement.


F.      Cactus Fiber Optic Lease Agreement - Jesse Flowers

Staff has been approached by Cactus Internet with a request to lease fiber optic strands from the City. Cactus would like to lease a single strand from their building at 211 South Main Street to the University of Idaho and one strand from their building at 211 South Main Street to City Hall.  Staff has prepared a draft lease agreement in accordance with the Fiber Use Policy that was adopted by the City Council on December 18th 2006.  The lease agreement would be for a term of 3 years and would include a total strand distance of 9,336 feet.


ACTION:  Approve Lease Agreement.


G.     Secondhand/Pawn License for Anthony Allen Dorland - Stephanie Kalasz

Anthony Allen Dorland has applied for a secondhand/pawn license for Duke Coin and Currency.  The application was forwarded to Chief Weaver who recommended approval.  There is no business location in Moscow listed for Mr. Dorland at this time.


ACTION:  Approve secondhand/pawn license for Anthony Allen Dorland.


H.     Christian Science Society Dedication Acceptance - Les MacDonald

Christian Science Society of 1573 East Third Street is dedicating a one hundred forty-one (141) square foot portion of their property frontage at the southwest corner of Mountain View Road and Third Street, to accommodate the construction of the 2009 Mountain View Road widening project. Such dedications must be recognized and accepted by the City.


ACTION:  Approve dedication acceptance.


I.        Alternative Security for Indian Hills 6th Addition Public Infrastructure Warranty - Les MacDonald

On October 9, 2008, City of Moscow entered into a Development Agreement with Thompson Development, LLC, Thompson Family Limited Partnership, for Indian Hills 6th Addition public improvements.  Section VIII.A of the Development Agreement required security to warranty the public improvements installed as part of such Development Agreement.  Moscow City Code § 5-1-10(C)(1)(e) allows a developer to post security with "[a]ny form of security which is approved of by Council."  Developer desires to post security in the form of a document which makes the City a co-obligee of the payment bond, on the Indian Hills 6th Addition project and subordinates Germer Construction's rights to those of the City.  City Engineer and City Attorney have reviewed the documents and would support the substitution, if approved by Council.


ACTION:  Approve alternative security for Indian Hills 6th Addition public infrastructure warranty.


2.       Mayor's Appointments - Mayor Chaney


3.       Public Comment and Mayor's Response Period (limit 15 minutes)  - For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda and not currently pending before the Planning and Zoning Commission or Board of Adjustment, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes.  Mayor will respond to comments from previous meeting. 


4.       Idaho GEM Grant Application - Industrial Park Master Plan - Gary J. Riedner/Alisa Stone

The Gem grant program has been identified as a resource to request $50,000 funding assistance to contract with an engineering firm to prepare a preliminary site design for an Industrial Park Master Plan.  It is anticipated the total cost for the completed Master Plan will be approximately $175,000.  The project is being developed in phases in order to request additional grant assistance from the Idaho Department of Commerce, USDA Rural Development, and the Economic Development Administration.   The match requirement for the Gem Grant is 20% or $10,000 of which $2,500 in-kind can be contributed through grant administration and $2,700 for a flood plain mitigation study.  The remaining $4,800 will be funded by the Community Development professional services budget.   The Gem grant application is due May 29, 2009.  Staff met with the Latah County Commissioners to discuss the project since the land identified for the industrial park lies within the "Area of City Impact."  The County is in support of the project and agreed to have the City of Moscow be the grant applicant and if awarded the administrator and fiscal agent for the project.


ACTION:  Approve submittal of a Gen grant application to the Idaho Department of Commerce requesting $50,000 for a preliminary site design for an Industrial Park Master Plan, or take such other action deemed appropriate.


5.       Public Hearing - Proposed Code Amendment Regarding Political Campaign Signs, Content Neutrality and Posting without Consent - Dennis Cady

The City Administration Department has requested consideration of an amendment to the City Sign Code to move the regulation of political campaign signs from Title 9, Chapter 2 of the City Code to Title 4, Chapter 6 of the City Code, thus placing the regulation of political signs within the City's Zoning Code and shifting the administration of political campaign signs from the City Clerk to the Zoning Administrator.  Additionally, the City Attorney's office has requested the addition of two small provisions clarifying that the City's sign code does not regulate signage content (therefore content neutral) and does not favor commercial speech over non-commercial speech.  This is in response to several lawsuits that have been filed against municipalities on this matter.  It does not change in any manner how the City regulates signage, but simply ensures that commercial and non-commercial speech are treated equally.  Finally, the proposed Ordinance would also relocate the prohibition upon posting upon fences, buildings or poles from Title 9, Chapter 2 to the Police regulations under Title 10 of the City Code.  The proposed Ordinance was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission during a public hearing on April 8th, 2009 at which time the Commission recommended approval of the proposed Ordinance as presented.


ACTION:  After considering public testimony, approve the Ordinance under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title and published by summary; or consider the Ordinance on first reading and that it be read by title; or reject the Ordinance; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


6.       6th Street Parking Plan - Les MacDonald

During the recent winter snow removal operations, temporary no parking restrictions were placed on Sixth Street between Blaine and Logan Streets.  This restriction was implemented in order to facilitate more efficient and complete snow removal on this Collector classification roadway.  After the temporary restriction was installed questions began to arise as to whether the restriction should be made permanent.  This issue has been discussed on several occasions by the Transportation Commission.  The Commission did not come to resolution on the matter as it was believed that there should be a more holistic look at the issue of corridor traffic management, street classifications, on-street parking, and street standards.  The Commission is currently working on street standards and will be continuing its efforts on traffic management next.  To address this issue, the Public Works/Finance Committee was briefed at their meeting of February 23, 2009.  The Committee requested that the topic be scheduled for a future meeting with invitations being sent to interested parties who may wish to attend to express their perspective on the possibility of permanently removing parking on this section of Sixth Street.  Letters of invitation have been sent to all of the property owners on Sixth Street between Blaine and Logan Streets.  Input was received at the April 27, 2009 Public Works/Finance Committee meeting.


ACTION:  Discuss proposed parking restriction modification and direct staff as deemed appropriate.




            Administrative Committee

            Public Works/Finance Committee

            Other Boards & Commissions



EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)(c)







Stephanie Kalasz, CMC

Moscow City Clerk


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