[Vision2020] House Bill 256 Passes

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Thu Mar 26 07:21:41 PDT 2009

Audio files (MP3 format) of House Bill 256, as well as HB 252, in their 
entireties, are available for download at:


For those of you who simply do not care to read the entire House Bill 256, 
all single-spaced six pages of it, or maybe (like some representative who 
is objected to the suspension of the reading of HB 256) you are struggling 
with your reading skills, we have . . .

The House Clerk (who has apparentlly perfected the art of speed reading) 
reading House Bill 256, in its entire single-spaced six-page glory, into 
the record.


Furthermore, the lady from 6 . . .


Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
Join us at The First Annual Intolerista Wingding, April 17th, featuring 
Roy Zimmerman and Jeanne McHale.  For details go to . . .


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