[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Monday Agendas

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Mar 6 09:09:39 PST 2009




Monday, March 9, 2009
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.      Approval of Minutes February 23, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Legacy Crossing Overlay Design Guidelines Proposal - Bill

In June of last year, the City and the Moscow Urban Renewal Agency
established the Legacy Crossing Urban Renewal District.  A large element
of the formation of that district included public charrettes and other
planning activities to develop a community vision for the redevelopment
of the old Ag/Industrial core of the Legacy Crossing Area, which
culminated with both computer and physical development models of the
area completed by a University of Idaho Architecture Department senior
studio class.  During these planning activities, it was discussed on
several occasions that the City's existing zoning and land use
development codes were inadequate to ensure that the future
redevelopment of this area would be in keeping with the vision that had
been developed throughout the planning process.  It was also discussed
that an overlay zone for the area would be an appropriate way to address
the unique characteristics of the site and the desired character of
future redevelopment.  The Community Development Department has prepared
draft design guidelines that would be utilized to shape future
development within this critical area by addressed such things as site
ingress and egress; internal circulation and access; streetscape design;
pedestrian corridors; building design; parking; public spaces and
amenities, as well as sustainable development practices.  The design
guidelines primarily address the form of development rather than
strictly land uses.  


ACTION:  Accept report and provide input as deemed appropriate; or take
such other action deemed appropriate.


3.      Assistance to Firefighter Grant Application - Alisa Stone/Ed

The Moscow Fire Department plans to apply to the FY 2009 Assistance to
Firefighter Grant program to replace old and non-compliant "Self
Contained Breathing Apparatus" (SCBA) equipment and for training so that
all fire department members have completed the NFPA 1001 certified.  It
is anticipated that each unit will cost approximately $6,000 and that 36
SCBA's need replaced.  The total cost of the SCBA's will be
approximately $216,000.  The project costs to included training are
estimated not to exceed $230,000.  In FY 2008 we submitted a grant
request under the AFG program to purchase communications equipment
estimated at $250,000.  A 10% match of $25,000 was funded in the budget
for this application.  We received notification from Senator Crapo's
office on March 4, 2009, we have been awarded $123,968 to purchase and
install two new repeaters and also purchase 38 portable and 17 mobile
radios.  This award will only require us to use approximately half of
the match funded in the FY2008-09 budget and we plan to carry forward
the remaining amount into the FY09-10 budget to fund the 10% match for
this new request.  The grant application will be available on March 16th
and is due by April 10th.


ACTION:  Recommend approval to submit a grant request not to exceed
$230,000 to the FY09 Assistance to Firefighters grant program to
purchase new SCBA's and provide NFPA 1001 training or take such other
action deemed appropriate.


4.      Revision to the Family and Medical Leave Act Policy Required by
Federal Law - Leslie Moss

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued new final regulations
interpreting the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  The FMLA
amendments provide significant new rights to eligible employees with
military family members.  These changes allow employees to take time off
to care for a seriously ill service member and for qualifying exigencies
related to a family member's call to duty.  The new regulations took
effect on January 16, 2009.  The City's Family and Medical Leave Act
Policy and the Leaves of Absence Policy have been revised to reflect the
new final federal regulations.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the revision or take such other action
deemed appropriate.


5.      Citizen Survey - Gary J. Riedner/Jen Pfiffner

The Administration Department administered the fourth comprehensive City
of Moscow Citizen Survey in November of 2008.  The purpose of the survey
was to assess the public's opinion of various aspects of City services
and operations.  The completed surveys were then collected through the
month of December and the results entered and compiled.  Staff presented
the final report and findings of the survey at the February 17, 2009
City Council meeting.  Since that time, an error in a calculation was
discovered.  The error has been corrected and the report updated.  The
revised report has been titled 2008 City of Moscow Citizen Survey Report
- First Amended.


ACTION:  Receive report.


6.      Safe Routes to School Final Application for Orchard Drive -
Alisa Stone

A Letter of Intent for this project was submitted October 16, 2009, and
the final grant application is due March 31, 2009.  This will be our
fourth request under this program with awards for infrastructure
development of $100,000 on Cleveland and "D" Street, and a second award
of $70,000 for infrastructure development on "B" and Garfield.  The
first project was successfully completed during the summer of 2008 and
the second project is scheduled for construction during the summer of
2009.  This new request for infrastructure funding includes 1,100 feet
of new sidewalk on the east side of Orchard Avenue beginning at the
south end of the existing sidewalk 250 feet north of Public Avenue and
extending south to "F" Street.  Construction costs are estimated at
$99,000.  This request includes necessary drops at the street
intersections, driveway modifications, private entryway sidewalk
modifications, landscaping, and retaining walls as required.  The City
has jointly applied for these grants with the Health, Physical
Education, Recreation, and Dance Department (HPERD) at the University of
Idaho (UI) for non-infrastructure funding to promote the Education,
Enforcement and Encouragement activities of this nationally developed
program.  The City has been the fiscal agent for all funding awarded.
To date the HPERD has been awarded the following:  FY20007 - $13,750,
FY2008 - $15,000, FY2009 - $10,000 and they are applying jointly again
with the City for the FY2011 for $10,000.


ACTION:  Recommend approval to submit a final application for the FY11
Safe Routes to School for infrastructure grant funding in the amount of
$109,000 to complete sidewalk connectivity on Orchard Avenue, a main
collector street leading to four K-8 schools in the City of Moscow, and
non-infrastructure activities of $10,000 to be administered by the UI
HPERD or take other such action as deemed appropriate.



Safe Routes to School Report by the University of Idaho - Alisa Stone,
Christa Davis and Helen Brown


Future Agenda Items

Policy & Procedure for Closing of Main Street

Business Registration and Virtual/No Impact Businesses

Alcohol Request for Rendezvous in the Park - Dwight Curtis (3/23)

Flu Plan Presentation (4/27)

Whitcom Renewal Report - Gary J. Riedner (3/23)


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.






Monday, March 9, 2009
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 

1.      Approval of Minutes of February 23, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Approval of Disbursement Report for February 2009 - Don Palmer


3.      Lot Line Adjustment Request 314 and 318 S. Almon - Mike Ray

Matthew Becker is requesting a lot line adjustment for two (2) adjacent
five-thousand square foot (5,000 sq. ft.) parcels of land located at 314
and 318 South Almon Street.  The subject parcels are in the Residential
Office (RO) Zoning District and contain two (2) single-family dwellings.
The proposal is to amend the east/west lot line that separates the two
(2) parcels and establish a north/south lot line to create a ten (10)
stall parking lot on the easternmost parcel as shown on the attached
map.  The Zoning Code requires that every lot abut a public street
right-of-way for a minimum distance of forty feet (40 ft.) and that the
rear setback for a residential use in the "RO" Zone be twenty feet (20
ft.).  The proposed configuration would result in the creation of a lot
with no street frontage as well as one (1) of the two (2) single-family
homes set back fifteen feet (15') from the rear property line.  The
proposed configuration of the lots was heard by the Board of Adjustment
on January 27, 2009 and subsequently received approval for variances for
the two (2) Code violations that would result from the proposed
adjustment.  Both proposed lots would meet all other zoning requirements
and would be accessed via curb cuts on Almon Street as well as alley
access to the east.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the lot line adjustment or take such
other action deemed appropriate.


4.      Lot Line Adjustment Request  at 939 Lewis Street - Mike Ray

Roy Krauss is requesting a lot line adjustment for a 7,015 square foot
parcel of land currently addressed as 939 Lewis Street and legally
described as Lot 5 of the White's Acres Addition to the City of Moscow.
The subject parcel currently has a single-family dwelling built on the
property, is in the Moderate-Density Residential (R-2) Zone, and is
required by the Zoning Code to be a minimum of 7,000 sq ft in size. Mr.
Krauss is requesting to amend the north/south lot line separating his
lot and an adjacent lot (931 Lewis St.) to the west in order to meet
setback requirements for a proposed garage addition. The lot line
adjustment would render the subject lot 7,028 sq. ft. and the adjacent
parcel 7,002 sq. ft. which would be in conformance with the minimum lot
size requirement. The proposed lot line adjustment meets all other
applicable zoning requirements for the "R-2" Zone.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the lot line adjustment or take such
other action deemed appropriate.


5.      South Moscow Floodplain Revision Preliminary Assessment Proposal
- Bill Belknap

Staff has been working to identify a suitable location for the
development of a future industrial park in advance of the anticipated
and redevelopment and rezoning of the industrial areas within the Legacy
Crossing Urban Renewal District.  Staff has identified the area south of
the existing Fountain Industrial Park as a suitable location and has
entered into conversations with the property owners regarding the
project.  One of the constraints that has been identified for the
development of the area is the extent of the current South Fork of the
Palouse River floodplain boundaries in the area.  It has been determined
that the State of Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) recently
conducted a revised hydrologic study of the watershed in conjunction
with the South Main project that concluded that the 100 year flood flows
were approximately 50% of that upon which FEMA's current floodplain
boundaries are defined.  ITD study also concluded that the 100 year
flood levels were approximately three (3) feet lower than FEMA's current
100 year flood event elevations.  It is currently unknown how
significantly these revised flows would impact the extent of the
floodplain boundary.  In order to petition FEMA to amend the floodplain
in the subject area, the City would need to conduct an engineering study
to submit to FEMA for consideration.  It is anticipated that such a
study would likely cost between $25,000 and $30,000.  Staff is
recommending that the City fund a limited preliminary assessment to
assess the potential benefits of pursuing a potential floodplain
amendment request.  Staff has received a proposal from Terragraphics
Environmental Engineering to conduct this preliminary assessment for the
cost of $3,195.  Staff has identified potential funding for this
preliminary assessment within the Community Development Department's
Professional Services Consultant Planning line item that includes funds
for the Unified Code Project that are not anticipated to be expended
this fiscal year.  As remapping of the floodplain would likely be a
lengthy process, staff is recommending that this assessment be initiated
at this time to facilitate the future development of the industrial
park.  It is anticipated that if the results of the preliminary
assessment are favorable, it could be utilized to pursue grant funding
for the full detailed study to follow.


ACTION:  Recommend authorization for staff to pursue the preliminary
assessment; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


6.      Southgate 3rd Addition Monumentation Agreement - Kevin Lilly

JEMCA, L.L.C. is the owner and developer of the approved final plat of
the Southgate 3rd Addition subdivision.  As per Idaho Code, a
subdivision plat must have all monuments in place at the time it is
offered for recording.  In order to prevent the destruction of monuments
during construction of the development, the Code allows for the interior
monuments of the subdivision to be set at a later date if an agreement
exists between the developer and the governing agency.  The agreement
stipulates that a deposit be submitted to the City to cover the cost of
installing the remaining monuments in the event the original surveyor is
not able to do so.  Both the final plat and the Development Agreement
covering public improvements were previously approved by Council.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Agreement or take such other action
deemed appropriate.


7.      A Street State and Local Agreement Stage 2 Addendum - Kevin

The Engineering Department is currently working with a consultant to
complete the design and right-of-way acquisition on the A Street, Stage
2 Project.  The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has graciously
agreed to provide assistance to City staff with the federal right-of-way
acquisition process, including but not necessarily limited to; initial
owner contacts, appraisal and appraisal reviews, acquisition assistance,
and preparation of the title passing documents.  Since this assistance
was not detailed in the original State/Local Agreement, ITD is
requesting an addendum documenting this change.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Addendum or take such other action
deemed appropriate.



Mountain View Project Update - Les MacDonald


Future Agenda Items

Installation of Purple Pipe with New Construction, Street Projects, etc.
- Les MacDonald

Landlord-Tenant Billing for Utilities - Don Palmer

N. Polk Water Main LID Formation - Kevin Lilly (3/23)


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.







Monday, March 9, 2008
5:30 p.m.

Council Chambers, 2nd Floor City Hall - 206 E. Third Street




1.      Introduction and Welcome - John Weber, Council President

2.      Discussion and Prioritization of Goals

3.      Review of Budget Process - Gary J. Riedner

4.      Conclusion





Stephanie Kalasz, CMC

Moscow City Clerk


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