[Vision2020] Fundamentalist Nonsense

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Wed Mar 4 12:23:26 PST 2009

Courtesy of today's (March 4, 2009) Moscow-Pullman Daily News with special 
thanks to Ralph Nielsen.


Fundamentalist nonsense

Leonard C. Johnson makes the absolutely false claim that "Evolution is 
more religion than science" (letter to the editor, Feb. 28). He repeats 
the threadbare fundamentalist nonsense that acceptance of the process of 
evolution as a scientific fact is a leap of faith into the realm of the 

If Johnson or anybody else can prove that the theory of evolution is not 
the basis of the whole of science he should write it up in a refereed 
scientific journal. I am sure he will be awarded a Nobel Prize in science 
for such an amazing accomplishment.

If he would rather write that the universe is the result of a mysterious 
kind of magic performed by an invisible deity he should submit it to a 
journal specializing in religion or folklore. (I think we have one here in 

But Leonard Johnson had better not delay. I issued a similar challenge to 
Doug Wilson about 20 years ago. I haven't yet heard that he has proven the 
theory of evolution wrong, nor that he has been nominated for a Nobel 

As a fellow Scandinavian I'm rooting for Johnson. Please don't let me 
down, Leonard. Note: A scientific theory is an explanation of the facts.

Ralph Nielsen, Moscow


Seeya at the Intolerista Wingding, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
"For a lapsed Lutheran born-again Buddhist pan-Humanist Universalist 
Unitarian Wiccan Agnostic like myself there's really no reason ever to go 
to work."

- Roy Zimmerman

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