[Vision2020] ABC

Andreas Schou ophite at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 11:16:56 PDT 2009

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:41 AM, lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com> wrote:

> According to Sean Hannity, Lars Larsen and Matt Drudge ABC will host a
> program on healthcare from the Whitehouse this Saturday. This will be a
> presentation of Obama's plan. No one else will be allowed to present an
> alternative plan.

The Republicans don't have an alternative plan. Even if they had an
alternative plan, they couldn't even bring it to the floor of the Senate.
The Democrats have enough members in both houses to pass whichever bill they
prefer. Should the media be reporting the news -- which is to say, the bill
that will actually be presented, debated, and potentially passed -- or what
the Republicans prefer the news to be?
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