[Vision2020] Obama to Name Sotomayor as Supreme Court Pick

Joe Campbell philosopher.joe at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 02:11:22 PDT 2009

Just apologize to her, Roger.

Joe Campbell

On Jun 4, 2009, at 12:31 PM, "Saundra Lund" <v2020 at ssl.fastmail.fm>  

> <sigh>
> Roger wrote:
> "I did NOT say that you posted all of the false  statements I  
> listed. I said that I thought you probably posted some of them."
> I posted NONE of the rumors in your list . . . NONE of them.  You  
> owe me an apology, and you need to quit implying that I did what you  
> seem to be hell-bent and determined to blame on me.  Again, some of  
> us care about our credibility, and it is extremely offensive for you  
> to CONTINUE to imply that I posted things I didn't!  You've been  
> corrected, so STOP IT!!
> Roger also wrote:
> "If you did and then corrected it later, thats great"
> For the LAST TIME, I posted NONE of the rumors.  My reference to  
> having no qualms about admitting when I'd made errors in my postings  
> referred to COMPLETELY DIFFERENT circumstances.  Once, I posted  
> about being extremely offended when sexual remarks were quasi- 
> directed to someone's grandchildren, and in my post, I said  
> something about having spent time with the wonderful children.  I  
> subsequently realized that I was actually thinking about other  
> grandchildren, so I corrected that (see 5/12/07), although that didn 
> ’t change the fact that I found the comments extremely offensive.
> Another time, I mistakenly assumed the all probation supervision was  
> conducted by Probation & Parole.  As it turned out, that was wrong:   
> we didn't really have supervision for misdemeanor probation other  
> than the judge.  Once that was brought to my attention, I  
> immediately corrected my post (see 5/22/2007).
> Those are the kinds of things I was referring to, NOT anything AT  
> ALL to do with my Palin posts.
> In quickly looking back through what I've posted to V2020, I see  
> that I've had occasion to post corrections to my posts a few times  
> over the years (NONE about Palin!).  My apologies were sincere &  
> heartfelt, and I not once did I make any excuses for my errors,  
> something that seems to be flatly unable for you to do.
> I repeat:  look -- if you want to post things on V2020, then you  
> need to be willing to accept the discussion that follows WITHOUT  
> resorting to making scurrilous accusations against those who  
> disagree with you or respond with more accurate &/or complete  
> information.
> Frankly, you should be ashamed of yourself, Roger.  It's one thing  
> to (repeatedly) pass along the kind of knee-jerk stuff you do  
> without taking 30 seconds to check for accuracy, but it's a  
> completely different thing to make blatantly false accusations about  
> those who respond to your nonsense.  Some of us who participate in  
> these discussions actually CARE about our reputations for accuracy.   
> You don't care about yours, and that's your choice, but how DARE you  
> make absolutely baseless accusations against those of us who do.
> Saundra Lund
> Moscow, ID
> The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people  
> to do nothing.
> ~ Edmund Burke
> ***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2009 through  
> life plus 70 years, Saundra Lund.  Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or  
> reproduce outside the Vision 2020 forum without the express written  
> permission of the author.*****
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