[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Committee Agendas for Monday
Stephanie Kalasz
skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Jan 23 14:54:10 PST 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes January 12, 2008 - Stephanie Kalasz
2. Request by Waste Management, Inc. to Assign Solid Waste Export
Contract to Waste Connections of Idaho, Inc. - Gary J. Riedner/Randy
The City has received a request from Waste Management, Inc. to assign
its right under the contract to Waste Connections of Idaho, Inc. which
is the company that has been subcontracting the actual hauling of
municipal solid waste from the Latah Sanitation Transfer Station to
Waste Management's landfill at Arlington, Oregon. The terms of the
contract between the City of Moscow and Waste Management contains a
provision which allows for assignment with the City's written consent.
Staff is in the process of reviewing the contract and will make a
recommendation to the City Council when that review is completed. Ken
Gimpel of Waste Management and Dave Patterson of Waste Connection of
Idaho will be at Committee to respond to questions. Reviewed by the
Administrative Committee on January 12, 2009.
ACTION: Receive information and staff report and provide direction.
3. Regional Landfill Joint Powers Agreement - Gary J. Riedner/Randy
Five (5) counties (Nez Perce, Latah, Clearwater, Idaho, and Lewis) have
been discussing the creation of a joint powers agreement creating a
Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB). The SWAB would control a shared
solid waste land fill in one of the five (5) counties to be operated by
Idaho Waste Systems, Inc. (IWS). The purpose of the shared facility
would be to save costs on transportation and to ensure capacity for the
respective counties' waste streams at a projected cost savings on the
tonnage fees. Recently the counties have considered inviting the cities
of Lewiston and Moscow to join in the discussions and a formal agreement
regarding reuse, recycling, storage, and/or disposal of solid waste at
the proposed facility. Additionally, IWS has put forward preliminary
tonnage fees which are expected to apply to the shared facility. City
staff has met with staff from City of Lewiston and will update the
Committee. Reviewed by the Administrative Committee on January 12,
ACTION: Receive information and staff report and provide direction.
4. Draft Ordinance to Clarify Relative Duties and Responsibilities
of Public Works Director and City Engineer - Gary J. Riedner
Recently the City created the office of City Engineer separate from the
Public Works Director and redrafted the job descriptions for each.
Because there are numerous references to the Public Works Director and
to the City Engineer in the current Moscow City Code which do not
reflect their current job descriptions and relative duties, it is
proposed that the Moscow City Code be amended to reflect the current
ACTION: Consider the draft Ordinance and give direction.
5. Scheduling of Meetings with the Associated Students of the
University of Idaho - Gary J. Riedner
Recently the Moscow City Council approved an ordinance encouraging
student representation on City Boards and Commissions. Mayor Chaney has
had discussions with ASUI President Garrett Holbrook and Stephen
Parrott, ASUI Director for Community Relations, regarding the potential
for joint meetings between the City and the ASUI. President Holbrook
and Mr. Parrott have been invited to meet with Committee to discuss
those meetings.
ACTION: Provide staff direction.
6. Idaho Commission on the Arts Grant Application - Alisa Stone and
Kathleen Burns
The Entry Track grants support public programs in the arts delivered by
Idaho's arts organizations and are the entry point through which arts
organizations new to the ICA can transition to Public Programs in the
Arts (PPA). Grant awards amounts are based upon a funding formula that
includes the panel review assessment, fiscal size and past Commission
funding. The grant application is due February 13, 2009.
ACTION: Recommend approval to submit an application to the Idaho
Commission on the Arts under the Entry Track grant program for
assistance with public arts programs or take such other action deemed
7. Economic Development Strategy Plan - Gary J. Riedner
In September 2007, the City of Moscow received funding for the Economic
Development assessment and strategic plan from the United States
Department of Agriculture via a rural business opportunity grant. On
January 22, 2008, an agreement was approved with Kendig Keast
Collaborative, the consultant who has been working with the City on the
Comprehensive Plan rewrite. The Plan was received by City Council at
the December 15, 2008 special meeting. On Wednesday, January 21, 2009,
Todd Messenger of Kendig Keast Collaborative, facilitated a workshop
among City Council and the economic development strategy plan steering
committee. At that time the City Council discussed the plan as well as
concerns and Mr. Messenger assisted in providing explanations to the
issues. As discussed at the workshop, Chapter 5, The Strategic Action
Plan portion of the document bears particular attention. As this
portion of the plan contains action strategies for implementation, staff
is requesting Council's review and direction prior to presenting the
plan for adoption by the City Council at the Special City Council
meeting scheduled for February 17, 2009.
ACTION: Provide feedback.
Legislative Update - Gary J. Riedner
Assistance to Firefighters Grant Application - Alisa Stone and Ed Button
Future Agenda Items
Policy & Procedure for Closing of Main Street
Business Registration and Virtual/No Impact Businesses
Proposed Amendment to City's Equal Opportunity Employment Policy - Mayor
Chaney/Randy Fife
NOTICE: Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.
Monday, January 26, 2009
4:30 p.m.
206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of January 12, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz
2. Linda Lane LID Final Assessment Roll - Kevin Lilly
The Linda Lane Local Improvement District (LID) No. 134 was created by
Council on December 3rd, 2007. The project was constructed in August
and September of 2008. The amount advertised in the Resolution of
Intent to perform the work included reimbursement to the City for
engineering and administrative (E&A) services and to cover interim
financing costs of $65,000.00. The actual cost for these items was
$62,994.69. The project included a total of $9,666.00 in extra work
requested by three of the property owners at their expense. Staff has
calculated the final cost of the project to be assessed to LID
participants at $73,259.98. After evaluating the level of benefit
received by each property within the district, staff compared various
methods of distributing costs, and is prepared to recommend an
assessment roll for consideration by the Council through the public
hearing process.
ACTION: Direct staff to prepare and make notice of a public hearing to
present the assessment roll at a City Council meeting and recommend
Council acceptance of staff's assessment roll; or take such other action
deemed appropriate.
3. Pool Repair - Eric Newell
Staff is requesting the use of $30,570 from the Capital Projects line
item 350-165-30-770-74 to make emergency unfunded repairs to the
Hamilton-Lowe Aquatics Center. Over the last three months unexpected
repair expenses not included in the FY09 budget have presented
themselves at the HLAC and they require attention prior to the opening
of the pool on June 4, 2009. The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa
Safety Act (VGBPSSA) became law December 19, 2008 and requires all drain
covers to be stamped ASME certified based on 2007 specifications. Most
of the drain covers at the HLAC are original (1999 to 2000) and those
that have been replaced are not certified covers. The VGBPSSA requires
the replacement of all covers. Purchasing drain covers for all the
drains will cost $6,400. Additionally, the slides were inspected and
the final report showed numerous areas that need to be repaired and the
tube slide was closed due to a hole in the belly. Repairs and servicing
of the slides will total $24,170. Funds in this line item are for a
needed comprehensive re-plastering of the pool walls scheduled to take
place in 2010. The estimated cost of this project is $250,000. There
was $125,000 funded in FY09 and the remaining $125,000 will be requested
in FY10. The project start date can be extended to 2011 if needed in
order to replenish the fund.
ACTION: Recommend approval of staff request for use of Capital funds in
the amount of $30,570, or take such other action deemed appropriate.
4. Proposed Ordinance Change to Excavation Permit Deposit/Bond
Amount - Les MacDonald/Randy Fife
City Council recently passed Resolution No. 2009-01 changing the amount
of the deposits for excavation permits. The City Code currently
indicates that the security deposit shall be up to an amount of two
thousand dollars ($2,000) and in accordance with the rate schedule
adopted by City Council. In order to allow for the possibility of
security deposits in an amount greater than two thousand dollars
($2,000), the Code should be amended. The proposed amendment will allow
the Council to change the amounts for deposits and/or bonds related to
excavation permits without the further necessity of changing Moscow City
ACTION: Recommend approval of Ordinance; or recommend rejection of the
Ordinance; or take such other action deemed appropriate.
5. Economic Development Strategy Plan - Gary J. Riedner
In September 2007, the City of Moscow received funding for the Economic
Development assessment and strategic plan from the United States
Department of Agriculture via a rural business opportunity grant. On
January 22, 2008, an agreement was approved with Kendig Keast
Collaborative, the consultant who has been working with the City on the
Comprehensive Plan rewrite. The Plan was received by City Council at
the December 15, 2008 special meeting. On Wednesday, January 21, 2009,
Todd Messenger of Kendig Keast Collaborative, facilitated a workshop
among City Council and the economic development strategy plan steering
committee. At that time the City Council discussed the plan as well as
concerns and Mr. Messenger assisted in providing explanations to the
issues. As discussed at the workshop, Chapter 5, The Strategic Action
Plan portion of the document bears particular attention. As this
portion of the plan contains action strategies for implementation, staff
is requesting Council's review and direction prior to presenting the
plan for adoption by the City Council at the Special City Council
meeting scheduled for February 17, 2009.
ACTION: Provide feedback.
Report From Transportation Commission About Snow Removal - Les MacDonald
Future Agenda Items
Installation of Purple Pipe with New Construction, Street Projects, etc.
- Les MacDonald
Landlord-Tenant Billing for Utilities - Don Palmer
NOTICE: Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.
Stephanie Kalasz, CMC
Moscow City Clerk
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