[Vision2020] A Paradox

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Thu Feb 12 12:15:34 PST 2009

Mr. Falen -

I was not asking for an extremely vague gneralization ("It should be self 
evident, by just watching the news") followed by a book recommendation 
("If you need further conformation read the Book 'A Slobbering Love 

I was hoping for a response with facts and substantiation.

I do watch, listen to, and read the news, Roger.  For some reson I do not 
recall ANY news source claiming that the primary, or major contributing, 
reason for Barak Obama's victory in November was his race.  But then I 
don't watch Fox News.

As for book recommendations, may I suggest . . .

"Between You and Me" by Mike Wallace,

"Boom!" by Tom Brokaw, and

"A Patriot's Handbook" by Caroline Kennedy

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> Tom
> It should be self evident, by just watching the news. If you need 
further conformation
read the Book " A Slobbering Love affair"
> Roger

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