[Vision2020] Christmas Craft Fun Day

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Mon Dec 14 13:16:53 PST 2009

Mr. Keim -

You fail to understand my reference to "UI's K-Mart Blue Light Special".

It was a special deal specially arranged between Christ Church and UI
Conferences and events.

Are you gonna make me dig through my filing cabinets here at home to find,
scan, and post the multitude of emails between CC and UI?

The specifics (itemized equipment and services provided to CC by UI)
behind the contract are rather extensive.  Suffice it to say that CC did
NOT pay retail as you and I would.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

> Yes. Tom, it has.  I ran the Evolution conference last spring.  We rented
> the dome.  Believe me, I would have loved the price CC paid 5 years ago.
>  Also witness the costs the Dome asked for Moscow High graduation, and the
> recent xmas concert.  Donovan also makes some good points about their
> rental
> fee structure and why it varies.
> The dome is under new mgmt since the CC festival, and that management is
> attempting to ask groups to pay a fair price for the dome, not a
> sweetheart
> deal.

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