[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Committee Agendas for Monday

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Apr 24 09:21:11 PDT 2009




Monday, April 27, 2009
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.      Approval of Minutes April 13, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Heart of the Arts Quarterly Report - Dwight Curtis/Jenny
Sheneman (HAI) 

Heart of the Arts, Inc. (HAI) took over operations/management
responsibilities of the 1912 Center on May 1, 2007. Staff and HAI
officials meet regularly to discuss issues, finances, and status. HAI
will report to the City Council quarterly on the progress of the
operation and renovation efforts. This particular report covers since
January, 2009.      


ACTION:  Accept report.


3.      Youth Scholarship Program Policy - Dwight Curtis

Staff is requesting approval of a formal Moscow Youth Scholarship
Program Policy.  For years the City Parks and Recreation Department has
offered youth scholarships in various forms.  The program was made more
formal in FY08 by the City Council dedicating specific funds through the
budget process.  Prior to that, the Department simply absorbed the
costs. Funding for scholarships also comes from grants and donations.
To assist the public in these more challenging economic times, the City
is placing more emphasis on citizens taking advantage of this program.
What is missing is a formal policy. Attached is a draft youth
scholarship program policy recommended by staff. This proposal was
reviewed by the City Attorney and unanimously supported by the Parks and
Recreation Commission as well.  There are some specific issues staff
needs the City Council to address as part of this policy approval
request. Those issues are and not necessarily limited to:  will the City
continue the scholarship program beyond the available funds; is the City
comfortable with the resident/nonresident status used in the policy
proposal; should there be limitations on participation based on the cost
of specific activities and number of times the scholarship program is
used by an individual.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the City of Moscow Youth Scholarship
Program Policy or take such other action deemed appropriate.


4.      Proposed Code Amendment Regarding Political Campaign Signs,
Content Neutrality and Posting without Consent - Bill Belknap

The City Administration Department has requested consideration of an
amendment to the City Sign Code to move the regulation of political
campaign signs from Title 9, Chapter 2 of the City Code to Title 4,
Chapter 6 of the City Code, thus placing the regulation of political
signs within the City's Zoning Code and shifting the administration of
political campaign signs from the City Clerk to the Zoning
Administrator.  Additionally, the City Attorney's office has requested
the addition of two small provisions clarifying that the City's sign
code does not regulate signage content (therefore content neutral) and
does not favor commercial speech over non-commercial speech.  This is in
response to several lawsuits that have been filed against municipalities
on this matter.  It does not change in any manner how the City regulates
signage, but simply ensures that commercial and non-commercial speech
are treated equally.  Finally, the proposed Ordinance would also
relocate the prohibition upon posting upon fences, buildings or poles
from Title 9, Chapter 2 to the Police regulations under Title 10 of the
City Code.  The proposed Ordinance was reviewed by the Planning and
Zoning Commission during a public hearing on April 8th, 2009 at which
time the Commission recommended approval of the proposed Ordinance as
presented.  This matter has been scheduled for public hearing before the
City Council during the Council's upcoming meeting of May 18th, 2009.


ACTION:  Review the proposed Ordinance in anticipation of a public
hearing to be held during the Council's upcoming meeting of May 18th; or
take such other action deemed appropriate.


5.      Annual Weed Spray Agreement - Mike McGahan

This Agreement is for the annual Street Department weed spraying program
on City right-of-ways and includes spraying noxious weeds, street
cracks, curb edge cracks and bare grown weed control around dead end
barricades, guard rails, bridges and fire hydrants.  Shull Brothers has
completed the weed spraying services for several years and has a good
working relationship with the Street Department and the public.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Agreement or take such other action
deemed appropriate.


6.      Ordinance Regarding Mayor and Council Salaries - Gary J. Riedner

Idaho Code Section 50-203 and Moscow City Code Title 1, Chapter 8 regard
the salaries of elected officials.  MCC 1-8-1 sets the process for
amendment of salaries and states that salary adjustments shall take
place every two years and in accordance with the Consumer Price Index
(see attached).  This action requires the amendment of MCC 1-8-2 in
accordance with the attached draft Ordinance.  The last salary
adjustment was passed by Council and Mayor with salary change effective
January 1, 2008.  Proposed changes will not be effective until January
1, 2010.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Ordinance or recommend denial of the
Ordinance or take such other action deemed appropriate.


7.      Latah County/City of Moscow Gem Grant Industrial Park Memorandum
of Understanding - Bill Belknap/Gary J. Riedner

The need for an industrial park has been identified in our community by
the recently completed Economic Development Strategic Plan as well as
other development resources.  In order to locate and find a developable
area for an industrial park, a preliminary engineering and design study
is needed.  The execution of the attached Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) would allow the City and County to work collaboratively to apply
for Gem grant funding for an engineering report to identify an area for
an industrial park and begin the preliminary development design.  The
Idaho Department of Commerce announced that they will have Gem grant
funding available July 1, 2009, which could be applied for by the County
to receive $50,000 for the engineering study.  The MOU outlines the
responsibilities of the City and the County in the preparation of the
application, scope of work, procurement for professional services and
administration services for the grant to include all reporting and
closeout activities.


ACTION:  Recommend approval to execute the attached Memorandum of
Understanding for a Joint Idaho Department of Commerce Gem Grant to fund
a preliminary engineering and design study for the development of an
industrial park in or around the City of Moscow, or take such other
action deemed appropriate.




Future Agenda Items

Policy & Procedure for Closing of Main Street

Business Registration 

Farmers' Market Task Force Report/Update - Kathleen Burns


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.





Monday, April 27, 2009
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 

1.      Approval of Minutes of April 13, 2009 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      203 and 227 N. Jefferson Street Lot Line Adjustment (Belt) -
Mike Ray

George Belt is requesting a lot line adjustment for two (2) adjacent
15,000 and 23,678 sq ft parcels of land located at 203 and 227 N
Jefferson St and legally described as Lots 7, 8, 9, Block 3 of Frye's
2nd Addition to the City of Moscow.  Mr. Belt is proposing to amend the
east/west lot line that separates the two (2) parcels in order to sell a
9,875 sq ft portion of the 23,678 sq ft parcel to the adjacent property
owner as shown on the attached map.  The subject parcels contain two (2)
single-family dwellings, are located in the Multiple-Family Residential
(R-4) Zoning district and are required by the Zoning Code to be a
minimum of 5,000 square feet in size and 50 feet wide. The result of the
proposed lot line adjustment will meet all zoning requirements for
parcels located in the R-4 Zone.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the lot line adjustment or take such
other action deemed appropriate.


3.      6th Street Parking Plan - Les MacDonald

During the recent winter snow removal operations, temporary no parking
restrictions were placed on Sixth Street between Blaine and Logan
Streets.  This restriction was implemented in order to facilitate more
efficient and complete snow removal on this Collector classification
roadway.  After the temporary restriction was installed questions began
to arise as to whether the restriction should be made permanent.  This
issue has been discussed on several occasions by the Transportation
Commission.  The Commission did not come to resolution on the matter as
it was believed that there should be a more holistic look at the issue
of corridor traffic management, street classifications, on-street
parking, and street standards.  The Commission is currently working on
street standards and will be continuing its efforts on traffic
management next.  To address this issue, the Public Works/Finance
Committee was briefed at their meeting of February 23, 2009.  The
Committee requested that the topic be scheduled for a future meeting
with invitations being sent to interested parties who may wish to attend
to express their perspective on the possibility of permanently removing
parking on this section of Sixth Street.  Letters of invitation have
been sent to all of the property owners on Sixth Street between Blaine
and Logan Streets.  In addition, a press release was issued announcing
the subject and inviting interested parties to attend the Committee
meeting.  The City has received some input in advance of the meeting.
Copies of the associated correspondence are attached for reference.


ACTION:  Receive the report from staff, discuss the proposed parking
restriction modification, accept input from interested parties and
determine how the Committee would like to proceed or take such other
action deemed appropriate.


4.      Hoffman - Mountain View Agreement - Les MacDonald (tentative)

At the March 9, 2009 Public Works/Finance Committee meeting, Staff
provided a report on the status of the City of Moscow Mountain View Road
Improvements Project.  The design of the project is nearing completion
but an issue remains over the extent of the work to be performed by the
City.  The project is intended to complete full width improvements of
Mountain View Road between Sixth Street and the Paradise Creek Bridge
north of Third Street.  This work was initiated to compliment the road
frontage improvements required of the Windfall Hills Subdivision located
on the east side of Mountain View Road north of Third Street.  With the
downturn in the economy and slow housing market, the developer of the
Windfall Hills Subdivision has indicated that work will not occur on the
plat during 2009.  This delay on the required frontage improvements
leaves the City with the following options:  delaying the City project
until the plat work commences; constructing the City project and leaving
the Plat frontage undeveloped; or, through the joint agreement proposed,
defining a manner in which the City could construct all of the Mountain
View Road improvements this year.

ACTION:  Review the draft Memorandum of Understanding and provide a
recommendation for approval or denial to the City Council or take such
other action deemed appropriate.




Future Agenda Items

First Street Traffic Report - Les MacDonald

Landlord-Tenant Billing for Utilities - Don Palmer

GHG Emissions, Baseline and Target Setting (5/11) - Heather Smith

Snow Removal Task Force (5/11) - Dwight Curtis


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as
soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.



Stephanie Kalasz, CMC

Moscow City Clerk


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