[Vision2020] Unethical Behavior?

bear at moscow.com bear at moscow.com
Fri Apr 17 17:00:31 PDT 2009


I don't appreciate being chatted with by someone who hides behind the name Chasuk! *S*

I would challenge you to a duel, but don't know who you are so i don't know who to slap
a glove!

Oh wait, dueling in not legal here.........Oh well, never mind! I'll just have to stomp my
foot and 

                              CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
                                  CHAPTER 3
                              LOCAL JURISDICTION
                              OF PUBLIC OFFENSES
    19-303.  FIGHTING DUELS OUT OF THE STATE. When an inhabitant or resident
of this state, by previous appointment or engagement, fights a duel or is
concerned as second therein, out of the jurisdiction of this state, and in the
duel a wound is inflicted upon a person, whereof he dies in this state, the
jurisdiction of the offense is in the state of Idaho and venue is in the
county where the death happens.

> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 16:39,  <bear at moscow.com> wrote:
> > Alright, WHAT unethical behavior? YOU threaten with stalking behavior and then accuse 
> > of unethical behavior?
> > Please, if you won't do it for the readers of the list, do it for yourself, but get
> > help!
> I do believe you have just been threatened, Bear.  This is nearly as
> funny as an old SNL skit.

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