[Vision2020] 8 year old girl denied divorce

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 17 07:04:04 PDT 2009

Chas, Do you always read out of context:

You state below that "God says to love your neighbor, not sell and abuse them", where? In
You can't use the Bible where it supports your position and then say it's bunk when it
Donovan's Reponse:
First, the Ten Commandants say to "Love your Neighbor". Do you disagree?

‘“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’--Jesus—Matthew 22:34-40
Second, Are you arguing that selling someone into slavery and abusing them is not contrary to this law?
Best Regards,

--- On Thu, 4/16/09, Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] 8 year old girl denied divorce
To: "Donovan Arnold" <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com>
Cc: "vision 2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 6:00 PM

Conversations diverge, and spread, and old threads transform into new
ones, as happened here, when Donovan wrote:

> "Bear,
> "First, the Ten Commandants say to "Love your Neighbor". Do you disagree?"

This is the assertion on which this thread hinges, and Donovan knows
it, but he lacks the honesty to admit it.

Sunil: I think sociopath is too kind.

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