[Vision2020] Dissenter on Warming Expands His Campaign

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 11:37:59 PDT 2009

I agree that the lifestyle of many who are environmentally focused is
However, the topic of my post is misrepresentation and distortion of
information in science related public propaganda campaigns on climate
change.  Any campaign that engages in these tactics should be viewed with

I find it surprising that these tactics are employed when this can damage
the credibility of the campaign.  I suppose it is assumed most in the public
won't read the fine print, nor will they research the science.

Ted Moffett

On 4/13/09, Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>   This isn't any more ridiculous than people in the US claiming they are
> "environmentalists" or they care about the environment.
> Anyone that lives in the Western Civilization is contributing to the gross
> over consumption of resources and pollution of the environment. Anyone that
> drives a car, or lives in a modern US house of apartment, shops at the local
> grocery store, is doing far more to destroy the Earth than the recycling of
> all the soda cans and cardboard they use.
> It is laughable to see SUVs with "Earth Day" or "Don't Pave Paradise"
> bumper stickers. It is laughable to see two story houses with all the lights
> on inside the house, three automobiles in the driveway, three or four
> children, and an owner that claims to care about our planet.
> Unless you move away from civilization, live in a hut made out of manure,
> and eat the bare minimum to sustain yourself, like 70% of the world, you are
> a hypocrite in saying you care about the Earth and your impact on it, and
> look more absurd than a guy claiming the global warming isn't real and the
> automobiles don't pollute.
> Best Regards,
> Donovan
> --- On *Mon, 4/13/09, Ted Moffett <starbliss at gmail.com>* wrote:
> From: Ted Moffett <starbliss at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Vision2020] Dissenter on Warming Expands His Campaign
> To: "vision 2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
> Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 12:00 PM
>  Why do those who organize coordinated well funded campaigns that claim
> to demonstrate that anthropogenic climate change is exaggerated as a threat,
> or an outright hoax, engage in misrepresentation and what I would call
> "fraud?"  Wouldn't their campaigns be more believable if they vetted their
> lists of references to PhD. scientists who genuinely doubt the science
> behind anthropogenic warming?  Of course, if they restricted their
> references to PhD. climate scientists currently publishing in legitimate
> peer reviewed scientific journals, their list would be shorter.
> But nonetheless, if you claim a long list of PhD.s doubts global warming is
> human caused, many in the public will find this credible, even if many of
> the scientists quoted are not specialists in climate science currently
> publishing in this field.
> Just as with the campaign to shed doubt on the theory of evolution, and
> promote creationism or intelligent design, with the lists of 100s of
> scientists who sign their names to this effort, you can find hundreds of
> PhD. scientists who will sign their names to lists that suggest that the
> science behind anthropogenic warming is doubtful.
> But to create a list of over 700 "scientists" who supposedly doubt human
> impacts on climate, as Marc Moreno has done and is discussed in the article
> below, and misrepresent by claiming someone is a meteorologist, when they
> are not, or including a scientist in the report who does not dispute
> anthropogenic warming, who later demands his inclusion in Moreno's effort be
> retracted, undermines the credibility of these campaigns.
> Ted Moffett
> -----------------
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/10/us/politics/10morano.html?_r=1&hpw
> Dissenter on Warming Expands His Campaign
>  By LESLIE KAUFMAN<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/k/leslie_kaufman/index.html?inline=nyt-per>
> Published: April 9, 2009
>  WASHINGTON — Marc Morano does not think global warming<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/science/topics/globalwarming/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier>is anything to worry about, and he brags about his confrontations with those
> who do.
> For example, Mr. Morano said he once spotted former Vice President Al Gore<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/g/al_gore/index.html?inline=nyt-per>on an airplane returning from a climate conference in Bali. Mr. Gore was
> posing for photos with well-wishers, and Mr. Morano said he had asked if he,
> too, could have his picture taken with Mr. Gore.
> He refused, Mr. Morano said.
> “You attack me all the time,” Mr. Gore said, according to Mr. Morano.
> “Yes, we do,” Mr. Morano said he had replied.
> Mr. Gore’s office said Mr. Gore had no memory of the encounter. Mr. Morano
> does not care. He tells the story anyway.
> As a spokesman for Senator James M. Inhofe<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/i/james_m_inhofe/index.html?inline=nyt-per>of Oklahoma, the ranking Republican on the Environment and Public Works
> Committee, Mr. Morano was for years a ceaseless purveyor of the dissenting
> view on climate change, sending out a blizzard of e-mail to journalists
> covering the issue. Now, with Congress debating legislation to curb carbon
> dioxide emissions, Mr. Morano is hoping to have an even greater impact. He
> has left his job with Mr. Inhofe to start his own Web site,
> ClimateDepot.com <http://climatedepot.com/>.
> The site, scheduled to debut this week, will be a “one-stop shop” for
> anyone following climate change, Mr. Morano says. He will post research he
> thinks the public should see, as well as reported video segments and ratings
> of environmental journalists.
> Supporters see Mr. Morano as a crucial organizing force who has taken
> diffuse pieces of scientific research and fused them into a political
> battering ram.
> “Before Marc, efforts to debunk global warming were scattered and
> disorganized,” said John Coleman, a weather broadcaster who helped found the
> Weather Channel and who has called global warming “a scam.”
> And environmentalists and mainstream climate scientists, however much they
> disagree with Mr. Morano’s views, still pay attention to what he does.
> Kert Davies, the research director of Greenpeace<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/g/greenpeace/index.html?inline=nyt-org>,
> said he would like to dismiss Mr. Morano as irrelevant, but could not.
> “He is relentless pushing out misinformation,” Mr. Davies said. “In denying
> the urgency of the problem, he definitely slows things down on the
> regulatory front. Eventually, he will be held accountable, but it may be too
> late.”
> In his work with Mr. Inhofe, Mr. Morano, whose thick build fills out his
> suit like a bulldog in a restraining jacket, did not hesitate to go after
> journalists he saw as biased. He promoted any study or statement that could
> be construed as cutting against the prevailing view that heat-trapping gases
> like carbon dioxide contribute to global warming. Peter Dykstra, a former
> executive producer for CNN’s science, environment and technology unit,
> recently called him the “drum major of the denial parade.”
> Mr. Morano may be best known for compiling a report listing hundreds of
> scientists whose work he says undermines the consensus on global warming.
> But environmental advocates and bloggers say that many of those listed as
> scientists have no scientific credentials and that their work persuaded no
> one not already ideologically committed.
> Mr. Morano’s new Web site is being financed by the Committee for a
> Constructive Tomorrow <http://www.cfact.org/site/default.asp>, a nonprofit
> in Washington that advocates for free-market solutions to environmental
> issues.
> Craig Rucker, a co-founder of the organization, said the committee got
> about a third of its money from other foundations. But Mr. Rucker would not
> identify them or say how much his foundation would pay Mr. Morano. (Mr.
> Morano says it will be more than the $134,000 he earned annually in the
> Senate.)
> Public tax filings for 2003-7 — the last five years for which documents are
> available — show that the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow received
> hundreds of thousands of dollars from the ExxonMobil Foundation and from
> foundations associated with the billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/s/richard_mellon_scaife/index.html?inline=nyt-per>,
> a longtime financer of conservative causes best known for its efforts to
> have President Bill Clinton<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/bill_clinton/index.html?inline=nyt-per>impeached. Mr. Rucker said Exxon had not contributed anything last year.
> Mr. Morano grew up in a conservative household in Northern Virginia with an
> affinity for nature and animals — his basement was home to a menagerie of
> reptiles, including a boa constrictor.
> “I used to tell people I was Republican except on the environment,” he
> said.
> After college, Mr. Morano worked as a reporter for Rush Limbaugh<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/l/rush_limbaugh/index.html?inline=nyt-per>,
> where he said he had learned the satisfactions of poking at the “liberal
> establishment.” He made a documentary on the Amazon rain forest<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/science/topics/forests_and_forestry/rain_forests/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier>,
> he said, because it annoyed him that celebrities like Sting could dictate
> what people think about the issue. They vastly exaggerated the problem of
> deforestation, he concluded.
> He then jumped to Cyber News Service, where he was the first to publish
> accusations from Vietnam Swift-boat veterans that Senator John Kerry<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/k/john_kerry/index.html?inline=nyt-per>of Massachusetts, then the Democratic presidential nominee, had glorified
> his war record. Many of the accusations later proved unfounded.
> Mr. Morano is proud of his work, which he says is not advocacy but truth
> seeking.
> “Even in the Senate, I’d put up any of the stories we did against any
> pablum Time or Newsweek<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/n/newsweek_inc/index.html?inline=nyt-org>has put out on global warming,” he said. “We’d link to the other side; we’d
> present their arguments. They do one-sided screeds.”
> In 2007, he points out, the Republican Web site<http://www.epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Minority.Blogs&ContentRecord_id=10fe77b0-802a-23ad-4df1-fc38ed4f85e3>of Mr. Inhofe’s committee won an award from the independent Congressional
> Management Foundation.
> But some scientists and environmental advocates who have made it their
> business to monitor Mr. Morano see his reports — the most recent was titled
> “More than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming
> Claims” — as far from balanced.
> Kevin Grandia, who manages Desmogblog.com <http://desmogblog.com/>, which
> describes itself as dedicated to combating misinformation on climate change,
> says the report is filled with so-called experts who are really weather
> broadcasters and others without advanced degrees.
> Chris Allen, for example, the weather director for WBKO-TV in Kentucky, is
> listed as a meteorologist on the report, even though he has no degree in
> meteorology. On his Web site, Mr. Allen has written that his major objection
> to the idea of human-influenced climate change is that “it completely takes
> God out of the picture.” Mr. Allen did not respond to phone calls.
> Mr. Grandia also said Mr. Morano’s report misrepresented the work of
> legitimate scientists. Mr. Grandia pointed to Steve Rayner, a professor at
> Oxford, who was mentioned for articles criticizing the Kyoto Protocol, the
> 1997 international treaty on curbing carbon dioxide emissions.
> Dr. Rayner, however, in no way disputes the existence of global warming or
> that human activity contributes to it, as the report implies. In e-mail
> messages, he said that he had asked to be removed from the Morano report and
> that a staff member in Mr. Inhofe’s office had promised that he would be. He
> called his inclusion on the list “quite outrageous.”
> Asked about Dr. Rayner, Mr. Morano was unmoved. He said that he had no
> record of Dr. Rayner’s asking to be removed from the list and that the
> doctor must be “not to be remembering this clearly.”
> Many scientists, Mr. Morano said, are afraid that appearing on the list
> will have political fallout.
> And political fallout, for him, is the point.
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