[Vision2020] National Service?

bear at moscow.com bear at moscow.com
Tue Apr 7 13:06:30 PDT 2009


You missed my point, either intentionally or unintentionally.

First, national service is not a means of "indoctrination", and if it is, indoctrination
to what?

Second, national service would be an obligation to the community/nation for all citizens,
just the few volunteers like it is now. 

It's easy for folks to fly a POW flag, or hang a yellow ribbon and feel good about
but what have they done to really advance either the community or to help those volunteers

when they do return to the community - NOTHING!  

Don't worry though, there are always folks who will step up and be counted when help is 
needed. There are always a few that will go into harms way and defend those that aren't
fit to 
even call themselves citizens. 

The first question I ask NOW when ever to comes to a local election, local appointments,
even  positions like the UI president is: HAVE THEY SERVED? Did they put themselves out at
point, in any type of service to the community or did they sit on their collective butts
further themselves while others carried the spear, and now want to reap the rewards?  But
worry, most of them have hung out a yellow ribbon - an appropriate color for most of them!

It is because of this very national condition that events like Abu Grab occur. Do you
think a 
group of soldiers that were drafted would have  just stood by while the prisoners were
Do you think that a group of drafted soldiers would have stood around while "contractors" 

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