[Vision2020] Fw: [Spam 9.87] Goldwater Institute: Václav Klaus helped turn failed communist state into bastion of freedom

lfalen lfalen at turbonet.com
Fri Sep 26 10:38:09 PDT 2008

-----Original message-----

From: Dan Guerin dailyemail at goldwaterinstitute.org
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 08:07:36 -0700
To: lfalen at turbonet.com
Subject: [Spam 9.87] Goldwater Institute: Václav Klaus helped turn  failed communist state into bastion of freedom

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The Goldwater Institute Daily
September 24, 2008

Václav Klaus helped turn failed communist state into bastion of freedom

By Byron Schlomach, Ph.D. [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XBhesF_SUk-57TQfBoV4T2PwEBLrOZOPHf1-wJXe42z0O-qOwqGds11wctNcMFCVGv1L6O0TCj422WQTxQzokPa6bHcJJjnru44SbTYxk4CrxxpeHcHIVfhY9Yev8a0SFrp97gSMla_P9LfgM4do0_QP-4Ov8KCYDaZLl3UUy5x-HjA6qD56Ug==]
Most economists are content to remain in the ivory tower and most politicians are
content to let public opinion lead. Václav Klaus [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XBhesF_SUk90075eUOv7ziv2uaE0RuHUBgO-fWPa_toyl3F-YUufSeRpaU8uvcS--kH5uvTn9-F6vavATFX84OtjcK-qZLCKEcOu7ff714XpK2K8JpyJmFr3OUZOcESqumRvo0oGC3XPRw8On-ZPuQ==],
a Ph.D. economist and President of the Czech Republic, has led public opinion and
acted on his convictions. Today, the Czech Republic is one of the freest and fastest
growing countries in Europe.

President Klaus will receive the Goldwater Award for Liberty for helping usher in
an era of economic prosperity in this formerly communist country at the Goldwater
Institute's 20 Anniversary Celebration on October 2. [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XBhesF_SUk9MMN8iO2zNXCaVOs8FwXRt1eiOnfA1rrZ9o-18cvPABJBhtOL1a7Cui-uchFoWpjyzqeK-zdjzLIubZImUje4wNyIqHdkzJziZvg6w9lPJEB3f_esvXDbcJ1AH9G7F5cTE92DhroudzilDQbeu_oF9qgEl5d19hcCEPBU56-knVQ==]
In the 1960s, a young Václav Klaus studied economics at home, Italy, and the United
States. He absorbed the lessons of Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman (previous
 Goldwater Award recipients), taking their "subversive" message back to his native
land. Consequently, he was largely denied an academic career due to his belief in
free markets, but emerged as Minister of Finance in 1989 when the Eastern Bloc collapsed.
For eight years, Václav Klaus challenged entrenched interests, overseeing the break-up
of large state monopolies and the conversion of state enterprises to private ownership
in Czechoslovakia. Often opposed by the popular former dissident, poet and president,
Václav Havel, Klaus has continued the expansion of economic freedom in the Czech
 Republic, becoming that nation's president in 2003 and winning re-election this
President Klaus is one of a rare breed-a Ph.D. economist who has achieved a large
measure of success in elective politics. We hope you will join us as we honor his
lifetime dedication to expanding liberty.
Byron Schlomach, Ph.D, is director of economic policy at the Goldwater Institute.

Learn more:

Goldwater Institute: "Goldwater Institute Twentieth Anniversary Celebration [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XBhesF_SUk9MMN8iO2zNXCaVOs8FwXRt1eiOnfA1rrZ9o-18cvPABJBhtOL1a7Cui-uchFoWpjyzqeK-zdjzLIubZImUje4wNyIqHdkzJziZvg6w9lPJEB3f_esvXDbcJ1AH9G7F5cTE92DhroudzilDQbeu_oF9qgEl5d19hcCEPBU56-knVQ==]"
Wikipedia: Václav Klaus Bio [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XBhesF_SUk90075eUOv7ziv2uaE0RuHUBgO-fWPa_toyl3F-YUufSeRpaU8uvcS--kH5uvTn9-F6vavATFX84OtjcK-qZLCKEcOu7ff714XpK2K8JpyJmFr3OUZOcESqumRvo0oGC3XPRw8On-ZPuQ==]
Cato Institute: The Czechs Adopt a Flat Tax [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XBhesF_SUk-pWBY3leznO0nM1pbFDtHYRGBqRRd2CS1gm9oumcJ9G2-22-pDcICZAb_Psakp4cuGFeX2VGohiikW3aJoKFBYmhIlmFhCW-sQOrIMkkQK7zlzeOR4HjiSgFMsmAVzxN-WnHiBcxwU5babVd9FgJGeCd4SYgT-hNcxnuMCabdm68qfu_vmEq8V]

Byron Schlomach
(602) 462-5000 x232
bschlomach at goldwaterinstitute.org [mailto:bschlomach at goldwaterinstitute.org]

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