[Vision2020] Obama Does Not Support Infanticide

joekc at roadrunner.com joekc at roadrunner.com
Tue Sep 23 08:00:49 PDT 2008


You could make a similar case with regard to any philosophical or political issue. Tell me, is it a 
reason to stop looking for a cure for cancer just because we haven't found one yet? If not, then
I see no reason to stop looking for answers to life's difficult questions just because we haven't
found the answer yet. It isn't a proof that we won't find an answer, that we won't find something
new to say, that we won't make any progress just because up until now we haven't.

And, of course, there is always the delete button!

Joe Campbell

---- Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com> wrote: 
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 14:33, g. crabtree <jampot at roadrunner.com> wrote:
> > Perhaps you would like to be appointed conversation monitor?
> I first debated abortion in approximately 1976, not many years after
> the historic Roe v. Wade decision.  In the 32 years since then, the
> arguments have changed very little, and most of the participants in
> the debate have remained on the same sides.
> The opposing camps have been conveniently labeled "Pro-life" and
> "Pro-choice."  The former accuse the latter of murdering babies, the
> latter argue that fetuses aren't persons, and hence can't be murdered.
> No, it really isn't any more sophisticated than that, despite all of
> the verbiage (philosophical, medical, religious) that is regularly
> thrown at the topic.
> So I'm not suggesting that I be appointed conversation monitor, I'm
> just bewailing the futility of again regurgitating  the subject.
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