[Vision2020] New Documents Show Obama Was Member of Quasi-Marxist Group As Illinois State Senator

No Weatherman no.weatherman at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 07:52:40 PDT 2008

New Documents Show Obama Was Member of Quasi-Marxist Group As Illinois
State Senator

Stanley Kurtz asks:

"With all its lengthy background pieces, has the New York Times ever
noted that Barack Obama was endorsed by, and was a member of, the New
Party? What about the Washington Post? Has any major television
network, any national news magazine, or any major daily newspaper ever
mentioned that Barack Obama was endorsed by, or was a member of, the
New Party? If any such outlet has ever mentioned that fact, have they
ever gone on to explain in any depth exactly what the New Party was?
For example, have they laid out the extremely close ties between the
New Party in Chicago and ACORN? Especially with issue of Obama's ties
to ACORN so much in the news, isn't this a major story right now?

"Can any blogger out there answer these questions? I repeat: Has any
major television network, any national news magazine, or any major
daily newspaper ever mentioned Barack Obama's membership in, or
endorsement by, the New Party, and then gone on to explore and explain
what the New Party was, including its ties to ACORN? Isn't the
membership of a major party nominee and currently favored candidate to
become president of the United States in a third party a major news
story? Is it not the height of press irresponsibility to ignore this

"Now some folks might be disturbed by Obama's New Party membership
and/or endorsement, and some may not. But isn't this something the
American people are entitled to know and decide on for themselves?"

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