[Vision2020] Youtube Videos

No Weatherman no.weatherman at gmail.com
Sun Oct 19 13:29:34 PDT 2008

Ms. Roskovich:

Your observations are true, clever editing is a huge weakness in the
medium. I've had "off the record" comments put on the front page and
I've had "on the record" comments twisted beyond recognition. "I
didn't say that!"

Better yet, three regular contributors to this forum have misquoted me
on more than one occasion. One has since left (kind of), another
completely ignores me, and the third misquoted me again — taking my
words completely out of context to make herself look holy — just this

Another good example of this is when Barack Obama said, "My Muslim
faith," and George Stephanopoulos corrected him. Lots of people on the
right isolated his Freudian slip out of context for dishonest reasons.


Joe Biden did say those things and no one edited either tape.

This is the Daily Show with a little more context:


This is CNN's representation of Biden's critique of Obama:


John McCain did not approve either tape.

Btw, the second cut is from one of the Democratic presidential
candidate's debate, it's the same debate where George Stephanopoulos
asked Obama about Bill Ayers and Obama answered, "He's just a guy who
lives in my neighborhood."

There are HUGE developments in this story. Apparently, Ayers and Obama
shared an office for three years after the CAC.

There goes the neighborhood.

On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Ellen Roskovich <gussie443 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I enjoy youtube. . . . for entertainment.  However,  I question it's value
> for "news".  . . hell, I question about 99% of anything I see/hear on
> radio/tv as well.
> Anyone who has had the pleasure (I use the term loosely) of being
> interviewed might have an understanding.  I have never once been quoted
> accurately.  Ever.  Years ago after a TV interview, I couldn't believe  it
> was really me speaking.  Neither could my family.  "OMG, mom!  Did you
> really SAY that!"  Well, yes and no.   First of all, my flip answer came
> during a sound check and no one ever got to hear the question that prompted
> it. And second, that's just it.  Next time you're watching TV. . . pay
> attention.  More often than not you will never hear the question . . . .
> just a carefully edited reply.
> Ellen A. Roskovich
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