[Vision2020] [Bulk] Re: obama election / gun purchases

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 9 00:18:10 PST 2008

Kai Eiselein wrote:
> It's called the Second Amendment, which is about to come under serious 
> attack. I know, some of you don't care if it is ripped out of the 
> Constitution, but when one falls, the rest WILL follow.
> We've already seen a government assault on our Fourth Amendment rights 
> by Bush, Inc., Obama and Company will continue the taking of our rights.

There's a bit of a difference.  Bush had the fear of another 9/11 attack 
supporting him, Obama has no such thing.  I read up a bit on what Obama 
has supported in the past, but haven't found much on what he's proposing 
to do as President.  The only bit that I saw that was related to his 
Presidency was a wish to reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban.

Some of his ideas on gun control are way out there, and I don't see them 
ever becoming law.  For instance, I've seen references to his wanting to 
ban all gun stores within five miles of a school or a park.  Some cities 
have enacted laws that cover 1000', but five miles is absurd.  That 
would mean no gun stores within three or four miles of Moscow.  He also 
wants to make it a felony to fail to secure a weapon that was 
subsequently stolen and used in a crime.  I can see his point - owning a 
weapon has a responsibility to go along with it to help keep it safe - 
but you should not be held liable if someone breaks into your home and 
steals a weapon. 

On the other hand, he might get some of his less revolutionary ideas 
passed, such as requiring child safety locks, requiring a basic firearm 
safety course be passed before being able to own one, increasing some of 
the licensing fees, or restricting purchases of guns to one weapon per 

Rather than panicking and buying up guns before the 20th of January, I 
think I'll wait and see what he proposes, and how far it gets.  It looks 
like a lot of what he was proposing was meant to counteract a situation 
in which gun runners were flooding the streets of Chicago with illegal 


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