[Vision2020] just sarcasm? no!

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Wed May 14 15:38:49 PDT 2008

  There is a great deal of difference between someone being discriminated against because they are here taking a job, versus that of their race. The two may, or may not be coinciding. 
  Those that discriminate solely on the bases of a personal characteristic of a person are in the wrong. But they are correct, in my opinion to show animosity toward those that come into the country and steal jobs and resources.
  I think Keely made herself very clear that I know no discrimination because I am a White male and have no place to speak as a consequence of it. 
  I do agree that White Men were given privilege because they were not a minority. But I think that this is becoming less and less true today. Many businesses are profit oriented, and would most likely hire someone regardless or race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc, if they could make a larger profit. This is what I think is happening with illegal labor and big corporations that push the government to ship in talent from foreign nations to work for a lesser wage. 
  Best Regards,

Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com> wrote:
  On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Donovan Arnold

> My understanding of the riots of 2005 in France were not based on race, but
> based on foreigners taking their jobs.

First, I mentioned race and xenophobia. Second, reflect that all of
these foreigner workers resembled foreigners, as well. They were
unambiguously foreigner, due to their race. If they had been
indistinguishable from those comprising the dominant culture, the
level of agitation would have been much less. I experienced this in
the UK; because I was white, I met zero hostility when applying for
social services. For legal immigrants from Pakistan, however --
unmistakably of a different race -- the story was very different.

For a picture of the French situation, watch La Haine ("Hate"), which
also happens to be an excellent film.

> My claim is not baseless, she specifically states that White Men benefit
> from the current social order and thus don't have a right to ask questions
> or complain about their treatment.

That is a disingenuous simplification, as you well know. Shame on
you. I am beginning to suspect that maybe there are two or more
Donovan's operating on Vision2020. The real Donovan wouldn't
mis-characterize Keely's words so freely.


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