[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Monday Agendas

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Thu Mar 20 15:51:04 PDT 2008




Monday, March 24, 2008                                                                                                     3:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.      Approval of Minutes March 10, 2008 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Receipt of P&Z Recommendation for Indian Hills 6th Addition Final Plat - Bill Belknap

On November 28th, 2007, the Community Development Department received an application for a Rezone and Preliminary Plat for an approximately 23 acre parcel of land generally located east of Indian Hills Drive, west of Mountain View Road, south of Blaine Street and Alturas Technology Park (Indian Hills 6th), and north of East Palouse River Drive, know as the Indian Hills Sixth Addition.  The Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on the matter on January 9th, 2008.  The City Council held a public hearing on the matter on February 4, 2008 and approved the Rezone with limitations and approved the Preliminary Plat with conditions.  Staff has received a final plat submission which was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 12, 2008, at which time the Commission recommended approval by the City Council conditioned upon plat approval by the Engineering Department.


ACTION:  Receive recommendation and recommend placement of the final plat on the April 7th City Council Agenda; or take other action as deemed appropriate.


3.      Title VI - Civil Rights Plan for FTA Compliance - Alisa Stone

All Federal Transit Administration (FTA) recipients must follow requirements to ensure that their programs, policies, and activities comply with the Department of Transportation (DOT) Title VI regulations.  The City of Moscow has been awarded FTA funding under the 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities program for improvements to the public transit routes for installation of bus turnouts and shelters, therefore; we are required to have a Title VI Management Plan.  Attached is a draft plan which has been prepared by staff and approved by FTA.


ACTION:  Approval of the City of Moscow Title VI Management Plan under the requirements of the FTA to comply with the DOT Title VI regulations to receive funding from the 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities program or take other such action as deemed appropriate.


4.      Designation of Human Resources Director as Title VI Civil Rights Coordinator - Randy Fife

The duties of the City Human Resources Director are listed at Moscow City Code Section 2-11-2.  Because of the City's longstanding commitment to civil rights and because the City is required by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for the 5309 Bus and Bus Shelter Grant Funding to have a Title VI Management Plan and a City Title VI Civil Rights Coordinator to assure compliance with such a Plan, it is recommended that the duties of the City Human Resources Director be amended to include service as the City's Title VI Civil Rights Coordinator.


ACTION:  Recommend adoption of the proposed Ordinance under suspension of the rules requiring three (3) complete and separate readings and that it be read and published by title only; or recommend consideration of the proposed Ordinance on first reading and that it be read by title only; or recommend rejection of the Ordinance; or take other action as deemed appropriate.


5.      Latah County Community Foundation Grant Application - Alisa Stone/Eric Newell

The Parks and Recreation Department is requesting approval to submit a grant application to the LCCF for $2,000 to fund 500 youth day passes at $4.00 each to the HLAC for the summer 2008 season.  The grant funding will be used to allow underprivileged youth of Latah County the opportunity to enjoy a day of fun in the sun at the HLAC in a safe, enjoyable, and supervised location.  The Recreation Supervisor will provide passes to social service organizations throughout Latah County for distribution at their discretion.  Parks and Recreation will also have passes available for distribution if requested by youth.  The funding will provide six (6) to seven (7) underprivileged youth per day.  Match is not required by the grantor but is recommended.  Financial information showing annual pool operating expenses will be included with the application to show the City's contribution to the HLAC.  The grant application is due by April 15, 2008.


ACTION:  Approval to submit a grant application to the Latah County Community Foundation requesting $2,000 to sponsor 500 day passes for underprivileged youth throughout Latah County to attend the HLAC during the summer of 2008, or take other such action as deemed appropriate.





Future Agenda Items

Policy & Procedure for Closing of Main Street

Amendment to MCC Title 4, Ch. 5, Flood Hazard Areas - Bill Belknap (5/12)

Business Registration

Karl Johnson/FAHC Recommendations to Fund Affordable Housing

PUD Code Amendment - Bill Belknap (4/14)



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.






Monday, March 24, 2008                                                                                                    4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 

1.      Approval of Minutes of March 10, 2008 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Annual Weed Spraying Agreement - Mike McGahan

The Streets Division of the Public Works Department annually performs weed spraying maintenance to control noxious weeds.  The City's primary areas of concern are within cracks in streets, along curb edges and on the bare ground in the areas around end of street barricades.  Spraying is accomplished through the use of a contractor with appropriate certifications and with experience in the application of the weed control products.  For the past several years Shull Brothers has performed this work on behalf of the City and has a good working relationship with the Street Division and the public.  For 2008, Shull Brothers has been selected to perform spraying services.  


ACTION:  Forward the draft agreement to the full City Council for consideration under the consent agenda or take other action deemed necessary.


3.      Walgreen's Development Agreement - Dean Weyen

Moscow Main LLC is developing a Walgreens on the property that has been the Mark IV Motel located at 414 North Main Street.  An existing City sanitary sewer main bissecting the property in the north-south direction must be relocated in order to avoid a conflict with the footprint of the proposed building.   The design for the relocation has been reviewed and approved by Moscow's Engineering Department.


A Development Agreement is necessary to allow issuance of a building permit prior to the construction of public improvements.  


ACTION:  Recommend to the City Council that proposed development agreement be approved.


4.      SE Moscow Sewer District Request - Les MacDonald

Over the course of the last six months Staff has been in discussion with representatives of the S. E. Moscow Sewer District about the possibility that the District Board may choose to dissolve the District.  As part of those discussions, Staff has reviewed the existing agreement with the District and has suggested alternatives in how the District could proceed with or without dissolving. In the most recent meeting with the District's attorney, Jack Porter, and the District's treasurer, Kathleen Warnick, Staff provided the attached brief summary of possible options for the District.  As a result of this meeting and discussion of the options Mr. Porter sent the attached letter to the District Board members for consideration.  The District Board is meeting on Saturday March 22nd to discuss how it might proceed.  Mr. Porter will attend the Committee meeting to discuss the outcome of the District Boards' meeting and to consult with the Committee about how the City may want to proceed.  A copy of the current agreement between the District and the City is attached for reference.


ACTION:  Discuss possible options for the future of the District.


5.     Downtown Parking Presentation from Transportation Commission - Philip Cook / Joanne Reese / Les MacDonald

In the fall of 2006, the City Council requested that the Transportation Commission review the issue of parking in the downtown business district.  For the last 15 months the Commission has assessed the existing conditions, performed parking surveys, interviewed business owners, and gathered input from many sources to determine what issues exist related to the parking needs of the downtown area.  The Commission held a public information meeting in February to disseminate some of the gathered information and to provide an additional opportunity for community input.  As a culmination of this work, the Commission has prepared a summary of their findings and recommendations for consideration by the City Council for changes in the downtown parking philosophy.


Members of the Transportation Commission will be at the Committee meeting to present an overview of their efforts and to review the recommendations of the Commission.


ACTION:  Receive the Transportation Commission report on the Downtown Parking Assessment.





Future Agenda Items

Installation of Purple Pipe with New Construction, Street Projects, etc. - Les MacDonald

UI Street Maintenance Agreement - Les MacDonald

Karl Johnson/FAHC Recommendations to Fund Affordable Housing 

Ball Field Site and Consideration of Road - Dwight Curtis

Stormwater Phase II Status - Les MacDonald 

Landlord/Tenant Utility Billing Recommendations - Don Palmer (4/28)

Resolution to Pay Vendors - Don Palmer (04/14)



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015 or TDD 883-7019, as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made.

Stephanie Kalasz

Moscow City Clerk


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