[Vision2020] Vision2020 Digest, Vol 19, Issue 201

donald edwards donaledwards at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 29 14:25:12 PST 2008

I think the 2 reply's are automated, letting you know that someone replied to your specific issue.  Just like the delays seemed to be caused when the listserve waits for a second message to be combined and sent together with one you might have just written.
> From: vision2020-request at moscow.com> Subject: Vision2020 Digest, Vol 19, Issue 201> To: vision2020 at moscow.com> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 14:15:35 -0800> > Send Vision2020 mailing list submissions to> vision2020 at moscow.com> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit> http://mailman.fsr.com/mailman/listinfo/vision2020> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to> vision2020-request at moscow.com> > You can reach the person managing the list at> vision2020-owner at moscow.com> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific> than "Re: Contents of Vision2020 digest..."> > > Today's Topics:> > 1. Re: Contractors (J Ford)> 2. Re: How Could Anyone Support That Woman? (J Ford)> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> > Message: 1> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 13:55:44 -0800> From: J Ford <privatejf32 at hotmail.com>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Contractors> To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>> Message-ID: <BAY105-W9C5F15779E06ED267977BAF350 at phx.gbl>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"> > > I'm not sure how your solution is any better than those offered already. Not only that, but other communities do this "be clean or be fined" and they don't seem to have an issue with it or do they use the kids on probation...the streets/sidewalks get cleaned off as the safety of the public is important. People get that when it snows, they have to shovel - get up earlier, do their thing, move on. It comes with being a responsible property owner. Its just like keeping the garbage and debris off the sidewalks so people don't get hurt. Just because its snow we're talking about here, shouldn't make a difference.> > And to make things clear, not only have I cleaned my walk-ways but for the last 10 years, I have made sure my neighbor's walk-way is clean as they are unable to do it. I've even been known to clean out their entire driveway when the snow is particularly heavy. > > There - no sniping, just statements.> > J :]> > P.S. Is there anyway people can stop sending TWO replies when making a comment on someone's e-mail? I mean, if we're getting the V2020 mail, there really is NO reason to send a separate secondary one to the person's e-mail box. Thanks.> > > From: mattd2107 at hotmail.com> To: privatejf32 at hotmail.com; vision2020 at moscow.com> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 13:40:45 -0800> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Contractors> > > > > > > > > J,> > Try having a conversation w/o harping on someone you disagree with for once will ya.> > To fine people for not being done by 9 am regardless, to me, is too harsh of a rule. There are too many what ifs. How can you justify making a cop or firefighter get paid help because he/she is out protecting YOU. Or how can you have it in your heart to make the guy clearing the streets and sidewalks of the snow, that the cops have to pay for, pay an extra $500 a month. > > Look we all want clean clear streets. In my opinion fining the bajesus out of those who cannot do it is not the right solution. So let's quite the belittling and come to a solution, if this current one is not working for you.> > Maybe juveniles on probation is a good start.> > Or you can donate your time to help clean some these sidewalks. Talk to Kit Craine for info. She got me started on it.> > Matt> > From: privatejf32 at hotmail.com> To: vision2020 at moscow.com> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 07:01:38 -0800> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Contractors> > > > > > > > > Ok, so there is State-wide example precedent for this type of thing. I like the sound of your example, Janesta. Wonder if ANYone in the City is willing to comment or even DO something positive to resolve the issue......> > Matt - whatever. > > When you own property, being out of town or being at work still means its up to you, the property owner responsible party, to make sure things get done. I suppose if someone working on your property slips and breaks an arm while you're gone due to your not making a needed repair, your "not responsible as I was at work or out of town" defense would work? Nope. > > There are a lot of "out-of-town" owners with property in Moscow - they hire property managers who are supposed to - ahem - "manage" the property and make sure things get done. > > J :]> > > Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 22:56:57 -0800> From: janesta at gmail.com> To: mattd2107 at hotmail.com> CC: vision2020 at moscow.com; privatejf32 at hotmail.com> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Contractors> > In Couer d' Alene, if the walks aren't cleared by 9:00 am, and kept clear, the city will do it, and fine the property owner $100.00. If the fine isn't paid, it is attached as a lien on their property.> > > Put the kids on probation to work. It is a tangible way to know they have completed the job. If the snow hasn't been removed, the job isn't done.> > I respectfully disagree with you, Matt. The buck stops with the owner of the property. Why should I get injured due to the neglance of a property owner? Taking care of the sidewalks is part of the responsibility of being a property owner.> > > Also, Matt, I appreciate your gracious offer to shovel my walks last week... *smile* I don't have any sidewalks, other than a short three foot walk to the gravel alley.> > Janesta> > > On 1/28/08, Matt Decker <mattd2107 at hotmail.com> wrote:> > I think going down this road can lead to a whole new can of worms. If we start doing contractor work for snow, then whats next? > > Maybe I can start billing the city for plowing my street. > > I believe if the people in town need help with the sidewalks, just ask. Many out there will help. No need to fine people who in most cases can't do it or are out of town.> > > 2 cents> Matt> > > > > From: privatejf32 at hotmail.com> To: vision2020 at moscow.com> > Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 19:39:08 -0800> Subject: [Vision2020] Contractors > > > I know this won't solve the issue today, but has the City or County ever thought about having contractors on retainer, so that if a problem area sidewalk owner/responsible party refuses to or is slow to clean it off, the contractor is brought in to do the cleaning off and then the owner/responsible party is fined for the work done? If there isn't anything like that now on the books, is there a possibility to consider it in the future, like for next year?> > > Comments????> > J :]> > > > Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser! Learn more. > > > > Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser! Learn more.> =======================================================> > List services made available by First Step Internet,> serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.> http://www.fsr.net> > mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com> =======================================================> > > > Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your Hotmail?-get your "fix". Check it out.> > Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your Hotmail?-get your "fix". Check it out.> > _________________________________________________________________> Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging.?You IM, we give.> http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/Home/?source=text_hotmail_join> -------------- next part --------------> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...> URL: http://mailman.fsr.com/pipermail/vision2020/attachments/20080129/f4614958/attachment-0001.html > > ------------------------------> > Message: 2> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 14:02:42 -0800> From: J Ford <privatejf32 at hotmail.com>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] How Could Anyone Support That Woman?> To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>> Message-ID: <BAY105-W15FBB6287674C8829D78FCAF350 at phx.gbl>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"> > > Thank you!> > In fact (and Chris can back me up on this) in the Aleutian's, there are plenty of reminders of those attacks, including an airfield built and still in use today. Granted, we were just "a territory" at the time, but we did belong to the US. Fact is, Alaska is a main outpost for the US even today - Elmendorf and Eielson routinely have scrambles and growing up, I remember subs being spotted in the different ports from time-to-time and I remember "live" bombs being found all over the place....still are every now-and-again, from what I hear.> > In fact, I remember my parents telling me that Seattle had a foreign sub come in, take a look around and then leave during the '60's. Anyone else remember that?> > J :]> > > From: editor at lataheagle.com> To: idahotom at hotmail.com; lfalen at turbonet.com; sunilramalingam at hotmail.com; vision2020 at moscow.com> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 13:21:57 -0800> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] How Could Anyone Support That Woman?> > > > > > > > > > > You know. I could have sworn the Japanese > invaded, and held, several of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska well after Pearl > Harbor.> Doesn't Alaska count? It was a US territory at > the time, as was Hawai'i.> Dutch Harbor was bombed by the Japanese planes > June 3-4, 1942.> Also in 1942, a Japanese sub shelled an > oilfield near Santa Barbara, California and a another attacked a fortification > in Oregon. A float plane was assembled by a sub crew and it was used to drop > firebombs, which started a few small fires in Oregon.> A tanker was struck by a German torpedo > in the mouth of the Mississippi River, several ships were torpedoed within sight > of beachgoers along the eastern seaboard well after Pearl Harbor.> Lets not forget the infamous "balloon attacks" > of 1945.> > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: > Tom > Hansen > To: lfalen ; Sunil Ramalingam ; vision2020 at moscow.com > Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 11:52 > AM> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] How Could > Anyone Support That Woman?> > Roger Falen stated:> > "There has not been any other > 9/11 types of attacks on us. There has been several attempts, but they have > thwarted."> > In a very, VERY minor way it is comforting to know > that nobody has launched an attack on US soil since September 11, 2001 (6 > years, 4 months, and 18 days ago).> > Yet another way to look at > 9/11/2001 is that it was the first attack on US soil since December 7, 1941 > (59 years, 9 months, 4 days prior to 9/11). > > Roger goes on > to suggest that tax cuts will stimulate the economy. > > Note > to Roger: This is the first war in our history where the president is > pushing for tax cuts. "Tax cuts during war" is oxy-moronic. You > say that we should provide for our troops (I am with you there 100%), then you > go on to say:> > "Tax cuts would stimulate the economy and the > increase in total income will more than make up for revenue that is lost by a > tax cut."> > Question, Roger: How are tax cuts going to "give > them all the support we can in the field and continue to take care of the > veterans when they come home"?> > Tom Hansen> Moscow, Idaho> > > > > =======================================================> List > services made available by First Step Internet, > serving the > communities of the Palouse since 1994. > > > http://www.fsr.net > > > mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com> =======================================================> Kai Eiselein> Editor, Latah Eagle> > _________________________________________________________________> Climb to the top of the charts!?Play the word scramble challenge with star power.> http://club.live.com/star_shuffle.aspx?icid=starshuffle_wlmailtextlink_jan> -------------- next part --------------> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...> URL: http://mailman.fsr.com/pipermail/vision2020/attachments/20080129/cfd8fc3e/attachment.html > > ------------------------------> > =======================================================> List services made available by First Step Internet, > serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994. > http://www.fsr.net > mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com> =======================================================> > End of Vision2020 Digest, Vol 19, Issue 201> *******************************************
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