[Vision2020] God's problem: Hawkins Mall

Garrett Clevenger garrettmc at verizon.net
Sat Feb 23 10:57:20 PST 2008

Pat asks:

"What long term planning?? We had a comprehensive plan
and it was changed by a few for their comfort not for
the good of the city as a whole so it is useless. Each
group is guilty of having the plan skewed for their
ends and change happens."

I agree with Pat, but I wasn't very clear on what the
"long-term planning" I meant was.  I'm not
specifically talking about Hawkins, or growth on the
Palouse, but rather, in general, seeing the bigger
picture.  It's easy for everybody to only think of
themselves, and not see how most of our actions are
based on sacrificing our grandchildren's future.

We are selfish and the future will inherit what we
sow.  Anybody who thinks the course we are taking as
humans is sustainable is not facing the facts.  Most
areas on this planet are stripping the very resources
they need to survive (ie water, air, soil, ecosystem
funcitioning) faster than they are replenished.  At
some point, the fight for those resources will catch
up to us (ie our grandchildren) and they will suffer
for our lack of long-term planning.

Yes, I'm pessimistic about the course we are on due to
the fact that we are all so short-sighted.  And I
think Ralph laid out the case why.  Most people are
religious and believe God will save them in the end.

It makes more sense, though, to understand we reap
what we sow.  Instead of acting like such a fool, we
should be following the Golden Rule.  We may enjoy all
our stuff, but at some point, enough should be enough.
 If God really exists, he might ask, "What you gonna
do 'bout this?"


> You read my head, Ted.
> The hawks at Hawkins will get their way.
> We are their prey as the blinded here pray,
> "Give us more shopping, take our worries away."
> The only problem, as even God may say,
> "Shop 'til you drop may make you gay,
> but it won't last forever.  One day you'll pay."
> Thank God for the mall!  What more could we really
> for?  Oh, wait, maybe common sense and rationality? 
> little long term planning, perhaps?
> gclev

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