[Vision2020] UI Athletics Must Pay Its Fair Share

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Wed Dec 31 17:06:24 PST 2008

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 15:11, Love America <skialaska0 at gmail.com> wrote:

> After all, without athletics, racial diversity would be non-existent at the UI; and attempts to maintain gender
> equality would probably slip away.

*blink*  Are you being facetious?  I honestly can't tell.  Or are
employing No Weatherman's style of trolling?

As far as i know, we don't have an athletic department for purposes of
maintaining racial or gender diversity.  Further, I doubt that it
would be necessary for gender.  Many (most?) of my classes are filled
predominantly by women, with scarcely a female athlete in sight.
True, I often wouldn't have any black classmates if it weren't for the
athletic department, but wouldn't it be more cost effective just to
subsidize those students directly?

I've never seen the point of connecting athletics and scholarship.
Football players, to be really, really good, need practice playing
football, not memorizing quatrains.  Granted, I enjoy most sports with
approximately the same enthusiasm that I have for contracting head
lice, so this is an admittedly uninformed opinion.


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