[Vision2020] Testing Your Own Integrity

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Mon Dec 8 11:40:41 PST 2008

Courtesy of "Character Counts" at:


Testing Your Own Integrity 596.2

Yes, the numbers of kids who steal and cheat is distressingly high, but is 
this generation really worse than their parents?

To test that question, we’ve posted an online integrity assessment for 
adults at:

In the past year, did you keep the money if a cashier gave you too much 
change? Did you lie to your boss, a customer, or a significant other? Did 
you use the Internet at work for personal reasons? Did you distort or 
conceal facts on a resume or in a job interview? Did you inflate an 
expense or insurance claim? Did you make unauthorized copies of software 
or music? Did you lie about your child’s age to save money? Did you 
provide your child with a false excuse for missing school? Did you lie 
about your address to get your child into a better school?

A lack of integrity in any of these everyday matters is a moral 
misdemeanor compared to the felonious fraud and corruption that have 
shredded the economic foundation of our country, but they nonetheless 
demonstrate your willingness to walk the talk – or not – when it comes to 

Most of us stray from our highest ethical ambitions from time to time, but 
we usually do so selectively, convincing ourselves that we’re justified 
and that occasional departures from our ethical principles are 
inconsequential when it comes to our overall character.

Most of us judge ourselves by our best actions and intentions, but the 
children who watch everything we do may be learning from our worst.

No one expects us to be perfect, but you might find it informative to take 
our short test and see if you stray from the straight and narrow path of 
your own ideals too far or too often. To access the test, go to


Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
"For a lapse Lutheran born-again Buddhist pan-Humanist Universalist 
Unitarian Wiccan Agnostic like myself there's really no reason ever to go 
to work."

- Roy Zimmerman

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