[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Monday Agenda

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Thu Aug 28 13:51:50 PDT 2008




Tuesday, September 2, 2008
7:00 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers

 206 East Third Street, Second Floor

The Moscow Mayor, City Council and Staff welcome you to tonight's
meeting.  We appreciate and encourage public participation.  For regular
agenda items, an opportunity for public comment is sometimes provided
after the staff report.  However, the formality of procedures varies
with the purpose and subject of the agenda item; therefore, the Mayor
may exercise discretion in deciding when to allow public comment during
the course of the proceedings and limitations will be placed on the time
allowed for comments.  Citizens wishing to comment on business which is
not on the agenda will be provided the opportunity to do so as item
number 3.  If you plan to address the Council, you will find a list of
"Tips for Addressing the Council" on the table outside the City Council
Chambers.  Thank you for your interest in City government.


RENEWING OUR FOCUS - At each meeting one City Council member will
present an example of patriotism, humanitarianism, community spirit, or
other inspirational message then lead the group in the Pledge of
Allegiance.  Contact a Council-member with examples to share at future


1.       Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent
agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be
considered separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.


A.     Approval of Minutes of August 18, 2008 - Stephanie Kalasz


B.     1912 Center Plaza Concrete Repair - Roger Blanchard

Since its construction in 2001, the concrete plaza and sidewalks
adjacent to the 1912 Center have exhibited deterioration in the form of
spalling in certain sections, creating tripping hazards.  Staff has
determined that the spalling is due to a combination of improper
finishing of the surface and the use of deicing salts, although no
deicers were used in the first winter following construction.  Since
only a few areas of concrete exhibited spalling, while others have
remained intact despite the use of deicing salts, staff has attributed
the majority of the damage to improper finishing.  In 2007, staff
identified two areas (one in the plaza and one adjacent to the handicap
parking) that warranted repair and $4,500.00 was included in the 2008
budget to complete the work.  Over the winter of 2007-08, additional
severe damage became evident in the plaza and outside the east entrance
to the ground floor.  Recently, quotes were received from two Idaho
public works licensed contractors to repair a total of five badly
spalled sections.  The low quote for completing the work on all five
sections was $10,992.00 from McCall's Classic Construction of Clarkston,
Washington.  Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee on August
25, 2008.


ACTION:  Accept the low quote for the project and use the unexpended
balance of the 1912 Center operating budget supplemented by the Parks
R&M Grounds budget to pay for replacing all five sections of concrete.


C.     2300 White Avenue Lot Division - Bill Belknap

JEMCA LLC is requesting a lot division for a vacant, five (5) acre
parcel of land located at 2300 White Avenue and legally described as Lot
2 Block 4 of the Southgate 1st Addition to the City of Moscow. The
request is to divide a one (1) acre portion from the five (5) acre
parcel. The reason for the request is to accommodate the development of
a new facility for the Impact Church who received a Conditional Use
Permit to construct a church on the property. Both proposed lots would
meet all applicable zoning requirements and would be accessed via curb
cuts on White Avenue.  Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee on
August 25, 2008.  


ACTION:  Approve lot division.


2.       Mayor's Appointments - Mayor Chaney


3.       Public Comment and Mayor's Response Period (limit 15 minutes)
- For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters
NOT on the Agenda and not currently pending before the Planning and
Zoning Commission or Board of Adjustment, please state your name and
address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes.  Mayor will
respond to comments from previous meeting.  


4.       Public Hearing - Amendment to FY2009 Fee Resolution 2008-14 -
Don Palmer

Staff has prepared a revised and proposed FY 2008-2009 Fee Resolution.
Staff noticed two changes not implemented by the Fee Resolution that was
passed on August 4, 2008.   A public hearing is required.  The fee
changes include a $30.00 per ton non municipal solid waste tipping fee
that should have been $32.80 which reflects a proposed fuel relief
element within the tonnage fee.  The other change proposed is for
Taxicab Licensing.  For ease of administration, it is proposed to have a
flat $15.00 fee for each vehicle.  The change will not increase all
taxicab fees, only those who license four or more vehicles, and it will
reduce the fee for one to three vehicles.  According to Idaho law, a
public hearing must be held if individual fee increases exceed 5% of the
previous year.  The FY 2009 budget reviewed during a budget workshop
conducted on July 16 and adoption by the Council on August 4, 2008 is
based on the proposed rate change.  The change in fees is more than 5%
from fees collected last year.  Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance
Committee on August 25, 2008.


      ACTION:  After listening to public testimony, approve Resolution;
or reject Resolution; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


5.       Amendment to Taxicab Licensing Requirements - Stephanie
Kalasz/Randy Fife

In order to promote efficiencies and safety, amendments are being
proposed to the Taxicab Ordinance (MCC Title 9, Chapter 5).  The
proposed changes include establishing the length and expiration date of
taxicab licenses in addition to recognizing the difference between a
person who would own a taxicab or other vehicle used in a taxicab
service and one who would operate such a vehicle.  The City Attorney has
drafted language which would also regulate limousines and the like if
the Council so chooses.  Reviewed by the Administrative Committee on
August 25, 2008.


      ACTION:  Approve Ordinance under suspension of the rules requiring
three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title only
and published by summary; or consider the Ordinance on first reading and
that it be read by title only; or reject the Ordinance; or take such
other action deemed appropriate.


6.       Amendment to Elections, Initiative and Referendum Ordinance -
Stephanie Kalasz/Randy Fife

Amendments are being proposed in order to conform the City Code
regarding elections, initiatives and referenda to the recently amended
State Code on the same subject.  The proposed changes include changing
the number of petitioners required, allowing the signature sheets to be
on standard paper, expanding the days allowed for petition gathering
from sixty to seventy-five, slightly modifying the verification
affidavit, requiring that initiative petition be attached to each sheet
of signatures, and conforming the timing of special elections with Idaho
Code.  This was reviewed by the Administrative Committee on August 25,
2008 and several suggestions were made.


      ACTION:  Approve Ordinance under suspension of the rules requiring
three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title only
and published by summary; or consider the Ordinance on first reading and
that it be read by title only; or reject the Ordinance; or take such
other action deemed appropriate.




Administrative Committee

            Public Works/Finance Committee

            Other Boards & Commissions



EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)(c)







Stephanie Kalasz

Moscow City Clerk


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