[Vision2020] Vision 2020 Post Inaccurate

deb debismith at moscow.com
Tue Sep 11 21:24:24 PDT 2007

Good on the exposer! Tri-State has been a great supporter of many social 
justice issues, of disabled persons, and of keeping the Moscow community a 
Community. Gerry (and the entire Tri-State Family) have supported local 
schools, local sports teams, and local causes. I'm pleased that someone 
noticed and said "NAY" when Tri-State was lumped in with Gerald Weitz's 
attempt to bring down our great Moscow School District. I truly believe if 
Weitz had his way, all kids would be tested early and channeled into work 
based on background and head measurement. He is completely off his rocker, 
and that we take him seriously is a measure of how far this community has 
lost itself in a "whatever..." attitude.  He should have been evaluated for 
absence of common sense years ago, but then so should a bunch of folks we 
"tolerate" in our community.
Debi R-S

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Hansen" <thansen at moscow.com>
To: "Moscow Vision 2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 2:10 PM
Subject: [Vision2020] Vision 2020 Post Inaccurate

> Somebody on Vision 2020 apparently lied about Tri-State circulating a
> petition favoring Dr. Weitz.
>>From today's (September 11, 2007) Moscow-Pullman Daily News with thanks to
> L. Gerard Connelly (President, Tri-State Distributors Inc.) -
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Vision 2020 post inaccurate
> I recently discovered a written comment and suggestion in a box that we
> provide at our store for our customers, that said a post on the Vision 
> 2020
> Internet site stated that Tri-State was "a place circulating the petition
> for (Gerald) Weitz and the school district to mediate the lawsuit."
> That statement is false. No such activity is allowed on Tri-State 
> property.
> Our company has a long and proud history of support of education in our
> market area, at every level, public and private, and all area educational
> institutions may be assured of our continued support.
> We sincerely appreciate the customer who brought this to our attention and
> welcome any and all customer comments and suggestions.
> L. Gerard Connelly
> President, Tri-State Distributors Inc.
> Moscow
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Seeya round town, Moscow.
> Tom Hansen
> Moscow, Idaho
> "People who ridicule others while hiding behind anonymous monikers in
> chat-room forums are neither brave nor clever."
> - Latah County Sheriff Wayne Rausch (August 21, 2007)
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