[Vision2020] Judge rules March schoo levy null and void

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 25 23:03:41 PST 2007

  I vote, I just don't vote when my vote doesn't count. 

Darrell Keim <keim153 at gmail.com> wrote:
  A good summary of how to effect change in our governmental system.  I find it very interesting coming from someone who has gone on record as not being a voter...

  On 25/11/2007, Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote:     Andreas,
  I think your response to every problem being someone should run for office is ineffective and demonstrations your lack of understanding of our political system and basic problem solving skills. 
  By your reasoning, if I want to fight a parking ticket, I should join the parking committee? If I want to add an education program I should run for the education board? I should run for Highway Commissioner if I want a pothole filled in at the end of the road? I should run for Dog Catcher if I don't want rabid dogs running around town? I should run for sheriff if I want the law enforced too right? And if I want all those things changed, I should just keep running for offices while ignoring all my other obligations? 
  Nope, sorry Andreas. Based on this logic, you shouldn't be complaining about US policy on torture of foreigners because you aren't running for President. 
  Fortunately, the designers of the American Constitution gave us more than the option of running for a political office with limited and divided powers to effectuate change in our society. That is what creates compromise between two groups of people. And it prevents the tyranny of the majority. 
  The most powerful position in Moscow is the Mayor, and even she has a great deal of complication is accomplishing her tasks, so your "Solution for all Problems" of running and holding office proved as not a real solution. 
  The greatest way to effect change as an individual is enact your constitutional rights. Which is what Weitz is doing. The most effective way to resist change is promote status quo and majority rule, which is what MSD is doing. Further, your premise dictates that those without meeting the qualifications for an office, age, education,  disability etc, are not granted any rights, which I wholeheartedly disagree! 

Andreas Schou <ophite at gmail.com> wrote:
  On Nov 25, 2007 1:05 AM, Donovan Arnold wrote:
> Paul,
> I guess we are just in disagreement on what taxpayer funds should be used to 
> accomplish. I believe that the school district should teach children all
> that they need to be successful in life upon graduation. A student should be
> employable upon graduation and be able to obtain a job to pay rent, 
> groceries, and meet all their needs. They should be forced to bunk with 5
> other teens their age, or live with mom and dad, and live in fear they won't
> get hurt because they cannot afford health insurance. Or have to wait until 
> they in their 40s to afford to have a child.

Dovovan --

Again: if you want to decide how taxpayer funds are used, run for
office. Making coercive threats, then running to the courts, is not 
the appropriate mechanism.

-- ACS

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