[Vision2020] quick thoughts

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Thu Nov 15 14:40:02 PST 2007

The Lewiston Tribune's editorial page has taken umbrage at the idea of compiling a list of Christ Church congregant-owned businesses so that those who find their teachings and practices odious can avoid contributing to their dissemination.  My letter in the Daily News last night about Francis Foucachon's absurd attempt to link an ideological economic boycott to genocide seems to have caused a bit of a stir, too, judging from the DN's online comments page.  So here are a couple of thoughts:

1.  No "bigotry" has fallen from the Mix Family Tree.  I am an Emerine, married to a Mix.  If you insist that I'm a bigot for denouncing those who embrace hierarchy and elitism and espouse, racism, homophobia, sexism, classism and all sorts of other evils, have at it.  But I think my parents would like the credit due them, and my husband's family certainly isn't responsible for what I say.

2.  I had wanted a couple of CDs or a sweater for Christmas, but I think I'll just make this one wish:  I hope NEVER again in my life to hear Doug Wilson favorably compared to, or even mentioned in the same breath as, the Rev. Martin Niemoller. 

3.  (To my off-list correspondent)  Of course I don't LIKE ("revel in") that some people think I'm obnoxious, offensive, or bitchy and antagonistic.  But if that's the result of objecting to the ramrodding of a false Christianity down the throats of my neighbors, then it'll have to be.  And no, I don't think I'm "going to win," if that means single-handedly stopping the Kirk in the name of all that's good and holy.  For goodness' sake.  A little perspective, please:  All I want to do is expose the errors and proclaim the truth.  In this one, it's not the win or the loss; it's the showing up for battle that counts.  God will do what God will do.  

4.  Finally, no, I have no idea if the Kirk will pray imprecatory curses on me.  I pray they don't, but for their well-being, not mine.  



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