[Vision2020] New NO info...

Garrett Clevenger garrettmc at verizon.net
Fri Nov 9 10:50:05 PST 2007


I suggest you reread my posts, because it seems you
are confused.  J is distorting things.

J states:

"Ok and for those of us who live next to or within a
very short distance - just over the suggested 100 feet
- of college kids who REFUSE to acknowledge that there
are families trying to put their little ones to bed at
8pm, and who's "neighbors" play their music/car
stereos at a high volume (enough to shake windows and
be heard very clearly in a home) - what do you
suggest?  That we just bare with it until 10pm? 
Measure and make sure they are within that distance
before we call the cops?"

The law states that if you clearly hear it in your
home, it doesn't matter how far away you are, those
offenders are subject to citation.  You don't have to
"bare with it".

"I get that YOU don't have an issue with these punks
but there are those of us who do and are tired of
dealing with it.  Noise is noise.  Disturbing the
Peace is still disturbing no matter the distance or
what others like you (OBVIOUSLY not bothered by rap or
a heavy bass being played at loud volume) seem to feel
is acceptable."

You seem to assume much about me, so let me clarify. 
I never said I don't have an issue with people who are
disrespectful.  Noise is subjective, though.  The
person mowing the lawn next door may irritate me, but
I'm tolerant enough to put up with it.  I don't think
it is realistic to expect no "noise" at all times.

"The bit about waiting for a month is just ridiculous.
 If this were some car being gunned or some other kind
of loud, obnoxious noise being perpetrated upon
neighbors, you don't seem to have a problem with that
being told to stop.  But you give a punky teen some
stereo equipment and suddenly things are ok.  Why is

This analogy is ridiculous.  For one thing, you don't
have to wait a month to complain.  If someone repeats
their offense (not a violent crime!) within that
month, they get a ticket.  I never said they shouldn't
be told to stop if they are disturbing someone. And I
don't think you should be throwing in non-noise issues

"And why is it ok with you to put people in harm's way
by making them sign a citation against the offender? 
If you see someone, obviously driving in an erratic
manner and you report that, do you sign a citation
against that driver?  No, you don't.  So why put a
home owner in jeopardy with this NO?  Ask the lady on
Taylor who's home smells like urine because of what
she's been through with the college fools!  Or the
people around Vandal....they had to put up with a YEAR
of noise and mess because of the current NO which had
no more teeth than the
watered-down-from-that-one-version you are purposing."

We live in a free country, J.  I don't think police
should be assuming responsibility in deciding what may
be bothering people at all times.  Driving is not a
constitutional right, where as free speech and right
to assembly are First Amendment rights. If someone
breaks another law in retaliation, that is a separate
issue.  Creating a mess in not a noise ordinance
issue.  I feel sorry for people who have problems with
mean people, but that is not a noise issue.  And I
don't think fear of retaliation should limit our

"If a cop is dispatched to a neighborhood where noise
can clearly be heard any distance away from the
residence from which it is coming, he/she should be
able to make out a citation to the offender without
involving the names and addresses of those who made
the call reporting the noise."

This is ridiculous, because everybody would be getting
a ticket!  It seems to me you would love living in a
police state.  If that is the case, I can suggest
plenty of other countries for you to move to.

"Just don't see why you don't get that."

I don't "get that" because I have a bit of tolerance
and you have not clearly understood my words and the
law.  Obviously we have a different take on things. 
Why don't you get that our First Amendment rights are
worth protecting with reasonable laws?  Why are you so
keen on repressing people's freedom of expression?


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