[Vision2020] A reminder: "Islam, a Civilization, a Faith"

Carl Westberg carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 29 13:46:54 PDT 2007

"Islam, a Civilization, a Faith" will be presented this Saturday March
31st at the Moscow High School Auditorium from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.  Among the
speakers, Dr. S. M. Ghazanfar, author of "Islamic Civilization: History,
Contribution, and Influence: A Compendium of Literature".  Dr. Ghazanfar is
also a University of Idaho professor emeritus and former department chair
with the College of Business and Economics.  Joining him will be Chaplain
James T. Yee, author of "For God and Country: Faith and Patriotism Under
Fire".  Chaplain Yee is a third generation Chinese American and West Point
graduate who coverted to Islam in 1991 and former Muslim Chaplain for the
U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.  After being officially recognized
twice for outstanding performance, Chaplain Yee was arrested and imprisoned
in a Naval brig for 76 days in September 2003 while being falsely accused of
spying, espionage, and aiding the alleged Taliban and Al-Qaeda prisoners.
After months of government investigation, all criminal charges were dropped.
  Other speakers will include Humberto Cerillo (ASUI President), Nick Gier
(UI), Professor Monica Schurtman (UI), Professor Robert Staab (WSU), Dr.
Gail Stearns (WSU).  There will be a question and answer period.     Carl
Westberg Jr.

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