[Vision2020] Archies on the Square Who is at fault here?

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 26 21:04:37 PDT 2007

Why didn't Tom say, " Dan it is not polite to interrupt people while in the middle of a conversation. Please apologize to the gentleman and wait your turn to talk to him." ?
  Had he done this, like he is suppose to, the situation would have never developed, Archie would known that Dan didn't understand, and Dan would have learned an important social skill. 
  This is all in the manual and a requirement of the person helping Dan to prevent being in these situations. Sounds to me like Tom just sat there and wasn't doing his job and blaming the outcome on those not educated,not paid, and understanding of disabilities. Further, Tom attempted to escalate the situation rather than using it as a learning tool for both Dan and Archie by creating a confrontation over the phone. 
  Archie doesn't know better, Dan didn't know better, but Tom did, and Tom didn't act. That is why he goes where Dan goes, it isn't just to be his companion and best friend.  
  Just my thoughts as a CNA and Caregiver

Ralph Nielsen <nielsen at uidaho.edu> wrote:
  I read this under the heading: Archies on the Square:

The gentleman said
"your friend was the one who was rude, for all I know he was drunk!" 
Tom said he was not drunk, he has a disability, the owner said "then 
he should wear a damn sign around his neck to identify himself." Tom 
then told him he had no choice but to write a letter to the editor 
about the way he treats people with disabilities and he told Tom "I 
GIVE A SHIT, WRITE TWO!" then hung up on Tom.

He doesn't sound like a gentleman to me.

According to The American Heritage Dictionary, a gentleman is "a well- 
mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior." 
What's wrong with the word "man?"

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