[Vision2020] Insurance

Pat Kraut pkraut at moscow.com
Mon Mar 26 11:48:43 PDT 2007

Sure and while the dems are in charge nothing is being done while they make
a power play which is nothing more than the 'hate Bush at any cost' rant
they have had for some time. God only knows how they will explain their
failures after Bush is no longer in office. A part of me hopes they do get a
president next so that they can try to work around the demands they have
placed on the office of the president. So, you can blame the repubs all you
want but the dems are doing nothing to fix it either.

If we do discover a complete theory..of everything...we shall all,
philosophers, scientists and just ordinary people,
be able to take part in the discussion of why it is that we and the universe
exist if we find the answer to that,
it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason...for then we would know
the mind of God.
Stephen Hawking

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