[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Committee Agendas for Monday

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Mar 23 16:22:08 PDT 2007




Monday, March 26, 2007
3:00-4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.      Public Comment and Chair's Response Period (limit 10 minutes)  -
For members of the Public to speak to the Committee regarding matters
NOT on the Agenda and not currently pending before the Council, Planning
and Zoning Commission or Board of Adjustment, please state your name and
address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes.  


2.      Approval of Minutes of March 19, 2007 - Stephanie Kalasz 


3.      Parks and Recreation Background Checks Proposal - Dwight Curtis

      Staff was directed to investigate background check options for
those volunteers and staff which work with youth through the parks and
recreation programs. In summary, the recommended background checks
program has been planned and ready to implement upon Council approval.
This program has been recommended for approval by staff and the Parks
and Recreation Commission at their meeting held on March 22, 2007.  The
cost to implement the program is approximately $4,000 annually or $3.50
per check per person. Backgroundchecks.com will be providing the
background check services and the Parks and Recreation Department will
administer the program.  Those convicted of the following three
violations will not be allowed to work or volunteer with youth through
the City Parks and Recreation Programs:  1. Any child related crimes
(i.e. sexual assault, battery); 2. Crimes against a person (i.e. assault
and battery); 3. Any drug conviction.  Note: There are a few exceptions
listed in the attached memorandum.


      ACTION:  Recommend approval of the background check proposal;
recommend denial of the background check proposal; or take such other
action deemed appropriate.


4.      Proposed Graffiti Ordinance - Dan Weaver / Randy Fife

      In response to a request by a citizen and the Administrative
Committee, Moscow Police Department is proposing an Ordinance designed
to assist in addressing the graffiti problem.   


      ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Ordinance; recommend rejection
of the Ordinance; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


5.      Discussion Regarding Attendance of Elected and Appointed
Officials - Gary J. Riedner

      Council member Ament has requested that there be discussion
regarding attendance of elected and appointed officials, terms of office
and related issues.  Such discussion may include the adoption of a code
of conduct for the Council and Boards and/or Commission members, filling
of vacancies, attendance at meetings, etc.


      ACTION:  Discuss matters and receive input and direction from
Committee members and/or others.


6.      Comprehensive Plan Consultant Contract - Bill Belknap

      On February 20th, the City Council confirmed the Comprehensive
Plan Revision Consultant Selection Committee's recommendation to select
Kendig Keast Collaborative (KKC) for the project.  Staff was also given
direction by the Council, at their meeting of January 16th of this year,
to move forward with contract negotiations utilizing a total project
budget of approximately $90,000.  Staff has worked with the Consultant
to develop a project contract, scope and budget for the Council's
consideration that includes a total project cost of $93,310.  Additional
optional project components and their associated costs have been
provided by KKC for the Council's consideration including an Independent
Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and Downtown Redevelopment Plan and
the creation of a Unified Development Code.


      ACTION:  Recommend Approval of the proposed comprehensive plan
revision contract and base services scope of work in the amount of
$93,310; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.


7.      Rural Business Opportunity Grant - Alisa J. Stone

RBOG program provides grants to promote sustainable economic development
in rural communities in conducting economic development planning.
Maximum funding is $50,000.00.  The grant funds would assist in
purchasing additional components for the comprehensive plan such as a
sustainability program that is compatible with future growth as designed
in the new plan.


ACTION:  Recommend approval to submit the pre-application for the Rural
Development Business Opportunity Grant or take such other action deemed



Hamilton Fund Status - Don Palmer


Future Agenda Items

PUD Code - Bill Belknap (4/9)

Subdivision Code - Bill Belknap / Les MacDonald (4/9)

Neighborhood Associations Structure and Application - Gary J. Riedner

Salvaging at Landfill Update - Gary J. Riedner

Review of Palouse Water Conservation Network Letter - Les MacDonald

Proposed Neighborhood Meeting Ordinance - Bill Belknap / Randy Fife

Sustainable Practices Policy and Joining ICLEI - Mayor Chaney

Health & Environment Commission Proposed Resolution Regarding
Sustainable Purchasing Practices (Relative to ESRP Assessment) - Mayor

Cool Cities Initiative - Aaron Ament



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so
that arrangements may be made.





Monday, March 26, 2007
4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 

1.      Approval of Minutes March 12, 2007 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      2007 Weed Spraying Agreement - Mike McGahan

This is the annual Street Department weed spraying program on City
right-of-ways. The program includes spraying noxious weeds, street
cracks, curb edge cracks and bare grown weed control around dead end
barricades, guard rails, bridges and fire hydrants.  Shull Brothers has
completed the weed spraying services for several years and has a good
working relationship with the Street Department and the public.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the agreement; or recommend denial or the
agreement; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


3.      Comprehensive Plan Consultant Contract - Bill Belknap

On February 20th, the City Council confirmed the Comprehensive Plan
Revision Consultant Selection Committee's recommendation to select
Kendig Keast Collaborative (KKC) for the project.  Staff was also given
direction by the Council, at their meeting of January 16th of this year,
to move forward with contract negotiations utilizing a total project
budget of approximately $90,000.  Staff has worked with the Consultant
to develop a project contract, scope and budget for the Council's
consideration that includes a total project cost of $93,310.  Additional
optional project components and their associated costs have been
provided by KKC for the Council's consideration including an Independent
Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and Downtown Redevelopment Plan and
the creation of a Unified Development Code.


ACTION:  Recommend Approval of the proposed comprehensive plan revision
contract and base services scope of work in the amount of $93,310; or
take such other action as deemed appropriate.


4.      Alturas RCBG Project Design and Construction Contract - Bill

On October 19th, staff accompanied a presentation team which included
Mayor Nancy Chaney, Robin Woods of Alturas Analytics and president of
LEDC, Mike Hall of First Step Internet, and Walter Steed, grant
administrator, to present the grant to the Governor's Economic Advisory
Council.  On October 2nd, Governor Risch announced the awarded of a
$450,000 RCBG grant to the City of Moscow for the project.  Staff
conducted two requests for qualification processes for engineering
services and then a design-construction proposal.  Power Engineers was
the only respondent to both requests.  Power Engineers/Power
Constructors is also the contractor on the ITD ITS project scheduled to
begin construction on April 15th of this year.  Staff has negotiated a
project scope of work and budget for the Council's review.  All project
expenses are anticipated to be funded via the RCBG grant funds. The
contract scope of work and budget are under final revisions and will be
presented to the Committee at the meeting.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the contract or take such other action
deemed appropriate.


5.      Eighth Street Alley Vacation - Les MacDonald

An application received by the City proposes the vacation of a section
of undeveloped alley right-of-way located south of Eighth Street between
Jackson Street and Main Street.  This section of alley is a remnant from
the original platting of Deakins' Second Addition Block 3 as shown on
the attached map.  The applicant represents the owner of the property
that surrounds the alley right-of-way.  This property is in the process
of redevelopment and the owner would like to be able to utilize this
portion of right-of-way for the development as it currently provides no
service to the public or the adjacent property.  The Franchise utilities
and the City Utility Departments indicate that they either have no
utilities within the alley or have no need to retain right-of-way for
utilities as their access will be via separate utility easements.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the vacation; or recommend rejection of
the vacation; or take such other action deemed appropriate.



Third Street Pedestrian Bridge Budget Funding Discussion - Les MacDonald

Hamilton Funds Status - Don Palmer



Future Agenda Items

Sidewalk Snow Removal - Les MacDonald

Possible Funding Sources for Sidewalks Associated with Highway 8 Work -
Les MacDonald

Calculating Cost of Development /Impact Fees - Gary J. Riedner

Incentives for Green Building Construction - Jim Johnson


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so
that arrangements may be made.


Stephanie Kalasz

Moscow City Clerk


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